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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. C++ but it could just as easily be done in Lua, I'm sure. I can post the full code if you like but it might not be the best example to learn from.
  2. I had that problem but I thought it was fixed. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10911-pathfinding/ Are you able to look at the nav mesh to see if it looks weird like mine did?
  3. Simple, hacky and unoptimized. From memory, here at work, something like: for(int i=0; i<NUMBEROFBULLETS; i++) { if(bullets[i].x>shipx-16 && bullets[i].x<shipx+128 && bullets[i].y>shipy-16 && bullets[i].y<shipy+128) context->SetColor(0,0,1); else context->SetColor(1,1,1); // draw bullet }
  4. I got curious. I wrote a little code to bounce bullets around and turn them blue if they hit the ship. 1000 bullets = ~166fps 5000 bullets (attached image) = ~36fps GTX 970, 3.4GHz i7
  5. You would use bounding boxes to start but not sure if checking thousands of bounding boxes every frame will slow things down. You may need to optimize eventually.
  6. I haven't done it myself but there are threads on the forums claiming it's possible. Also, in addition to the Documentation at the top, don't forget to check out the unofficial wiki: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/ Rick is kind enough to offer super cheap Lua tutoring. If you have a few extra bucks laying around and he can find time, I'd suggest taking him up on it. There are great YouTube video tutorials if you like watching videos. Two popular ones are here: https://www.youtube.com/user/Aggror89/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdNkNE5acxWUf2vCEo-eOcw/videos One word of caution: coding for 3D and for 2D are two different things. I'd suggest picking early on which you'd like to use. That said, getting prototypes going in both formats shouldn't be too hard (but give it some time as you learn). Hope that helps.
  7. That should be very doable. Are you coding in C or Lua? Also, will you be using 2D images or 3D models?
  8. I can't find the thread now but yes, you can make your own. LE3 takes both the cross pattern (like here) or a 3x2 grid, I think. You simply use the editor to set the texture as a Skybox (I forget if it's the Material Editor or the Texture Editor).
  9. I upvoted it immediately after you announced it. I don't use Lua but I know this would benefit the community (and so also me) a ton.
  10. I don't use Lua. I only use C++. I see in the Project Manager that my project needs an update. So I update it. And my project folder is repopulated with files I removed. All I'm trying to do is not have this happen. If it's easier for me to not update the project and copy over two or three files manually insetad from some other folder, I'm fine with that. I just don't know which ones. Edit: for that matter why replace the App.cpp file? Even if it's backed up, why overwrite what I created?
  11. Maybe I'm not 100% clear on what the update is supposed to do. Which EXE are you referring to?
  12. Josh, correct me if I'm wrong but you seem opposed to giving users the option on this. Probably my biggest frustration with Leadwerks is that it recreates assets like the Crawler and Barrel folders that I specifically deleted. What is the benefit to anyone to keep doing that?
  13. Is it just because of how the system is set up right now? Because the theory sounds doable: Detect FBX change Scan in current data from model file (scale, animations, anything else model editor can change) Update model file with fbx Apply data scanned in from previous model file, scaling, reapplying animation list, etc.
  14. I suggested something similar here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11787-anim-file/
  15. There was a topic about this recently. Search the forum for animated textures and you should find it.
  16. Thanks for the response. How did you know where to put the pivot? Did you keep guessing the x/y/z offset like I did for the sword?
  17. Hey guys, I was attaching a sword to my character's hand bone by code and I noticed that the sword attaches to the wrist. This kind of makes sense because that's where the hand bone starts (where the root is). It's also not a huge problem because I can kind of adjust the position by code, but it's trial and error and I'd rather do it right. So my question is: how do I put the sword right in the middle of the fist? My thought is to create an extra bone or some sort of dummy object. I'm using Max but maybe it's the same in Blender and other modeling programs. Right now I have a biped skinned to the model and I'd rather not mess with that but I suppose I can add an extra bone and attach it to the hand. Ideally I'd just put a dummy in the hand and attach it but I don't think Leadwerks supports that.
  18. Thanks for managing! Will you determine the setting (space, medieval, modern, etc.) by what people are able to contribute?
  19. You would be surprised how much time goes into planning out and recording (and re-recording) tutorial videos. So yeah, super huge appreciation goes to them and the many others who take the time to help people. It's a large part of what makes our community so awesome!
  20. It can't be helped. For my part I'm not interested in another FPS (I liked Guppy's thought) but I may chip in anyway, depending on specifics.
  21. Yup, I'm aware you can do that but it would be nice if the editor was smart enough to automatically associate animation files with models the same way it does material files. It would save you a few clicks each time, reloading the animation file. But again, not a big deal, just a suggestion.
  22. It would be great for Leadwerks to recognize a file with a .anim extension. It would be the same format as the text file the model editor currently loads for animations except that it would be named yourmodelname.anim and whenever either it or the model itself are updated, the model animation list is automatically updated with the animations from this file. Much like I believe the mat file works right now. Background: I'm adding animations to a model and every time I update the FBX and so the model file, the animations are gone. It would be nice to not have to load the animations back in every time and this seems like it would be easy to implement. Thanks for considering! Edit: somehow also remembering the scale the model was at before would be nice too so I don't have to keep scaling it down. These are minor things and very low priority but they would eliminate some unnecessary repetition.
  23. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetpickmode-r135 The documentaion says SetPickMode(0) will skip the entity entirely.
  24. Same. As a growing community, I bet we have a ton of talent just waiting to be used!
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