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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. The texture adds so much to it. I'm out of likes but consider it liked. How many triangles is the low poly version?
  2. You may want to give another program a try, like Gimp. Maybe XnView does it too. I'm also happy to convert it for you after work if you want to PM me an image file. One thing you can also check is to make sure the raw file from Leadwerks matches the size of the one from your program. It should be the same exactly.
  3. Been there done that. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9957-raw-heightmap/ On rereading your post, I'm not sure if the above will help you. But do make sure you imported it into your graphics program correctly.
  4. Wouldn't you juse AddForce if the player was standing anywhere on the belt?
  5. gamecreator


    Hahaha. I'm exactly the same way. I can dabble in code, music, images and 3D, which is awesome, but I'm a master of neither. Though coding is the one I'm most comfortable with, by far.
  6. By the way, Guppy recently linked to the free AwesomeBump, which looks incredible
  7. gamecreator


    I'm with you Roland. I don't mind doing this myself either. But sometimes it's nice not having to do everything yourself and saving a little time. That and you need to keep in mind multiple resolutions so someone having already figured out scaling is a big plus.
  8. gamecreator


    Other way around. Aggror's is Lua. tjheldna's is C.
  9. gamecreator


    There is no roadmap at the moment and I don't believe GUI is currently planned. Part of the reason may be is that there are now "solutions" for both LUA and C out there.
  10. You guys are very generous. Thank you! I'd like to get my game to a state where I can sincerely ask for help so for now I'll be using placeholders but of course I'm always keeping my eyes open.
  11. Something like this should be doable. But I can see that it may be confusing. For example, what is the slide entity a child of?
  12. Good finds. You may not be surprised to find that I've seen most of those before. Maybe I'm just picky.
  13. Ha, try and find a swordsman, mage and rogue in the style of Assassin's Creed (not ripped from games).
  14. They're both essentially snippets. We've had discussions here of how difficult it is to find consistent, quality 3d model packs. Yeah, you can find great low price or even free models but if your swordsman is realistic and your mage is cartoon and your rogue is something else, it's kind of useless for an actual game because they're not consistent because they're by different artists. You need to spend thousands of dollars to hire a single modeler if you want anything truly usable for just a handful of models. I'm not claiming code is any better, by the way. Just saying that there's not any magical model source that will get you all your gaming content for free.
  15. I admit that I don't know how seeing the scene hierarchy benefits users but I'm curious: could anyone let me know?
  16. Why not mimic Photoshop's layer system? I recorded this to give you an idea (but there's no need for the thumbnails).
  17. There's definitely such a thing as going overboard. http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=222 I would play with the settings YouGroove mentioned. The first one is too much, the last one could use just a little more.
  18. For me Max matches Leadwerks units but it starts zoomed out so that you're working with 10 meter grids (you'll see the numbers at the bottom). Zoom in and change the grid to 1 meter.
  19. I'd suggest using the bloom but I'd turn it down a bit. Also, I'd suggest trying to fix the aliasing.
  20. I think there should be a log file you can look at. Search the forums as I don't remember off the top of my head where it is.
  21. Related: when you exported/imported heightmaps, 0 height was absolute black. I think that if you could dig lower, 0 height would have been some shade of gray instead.
  22. If you mean animated then no, I don't believe so. Otherwise just convert it with any free program to PNG.
  23. I think this problem will naturally be solved (likely with LODs) once vegetation painting is implemented.
  24. I had something like this too. I would have an enemy follow a player then stop when out of range (which was as intended). As long as the player didn't move, the enemy didn't rotate. But when the player moved, the enemy rotated randomly for some reason. I never reported it because it wasn't a big deal for me but wanted to confirm the "glitch."
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