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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I've dragged an FBX into a folder just today, overwriting the previous FBX, and it updated the MDL. So we may need more information as this seems to work fine for me. Maybe you're doing it a different way...? Or maybe you're on beta (I'm not).
  2. I have but I don't know dot products and vector math. I simply attached two hidden dummy entities to an enemy at outside triangle positions. Then I got their positions every frame. Then I just checked to see if hero's position is in the triangle formed by enemy's position and two dummy positions. float sign(float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y, float p3x, float p3y) { return (p1x - p3x) * (p2y - p3y) - (p2x - p3x) * (p1y - p3y); } bool PointInTriangle(float px, float py, float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y, float p3x, float p3y) { bool b1, b2, b3; b1 = sign(px, py, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) < 0.0f; b2 = sign(px, py, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) < 0.0f; b3 = sign(px, py, p3x, p3y, p1x, p1y) < 0.0f; return ((b1 == b2) && (b2 == b3)); }
  3. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11167-in-game-screenshot/ ?
  4. This may not help but it's out there: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=leadwerks+ragdoll
  5. I'm sure there are factors I'm not aware of why that video does two dozen+ lights at 70fps 6 years ago versus this thread at about 10 lights and 30fps today. I'm thinking higher quality settings and also the moving doors in the latter, at least.
  6. Josh has also said in the past that he can still further optimize the engine. Once vegetation and LODs are implemented, I think we'll see some more performance increases. That said, the one thing I haven't seen that I also wish would be added is the freedom to put as many lights as you want, wherever you want. Seems like maybe the new system can't support it (you need to be careful about how you place them) but it was a great selling point in LE2. But this probably isn't a big deal - it was just something nicer LE2 had.
  7. It was going to be its own product as well as freely included in Leadwerks https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1937035674/boner3d/posts
  8. You're on the right track. If you have the Leadwerks editor open you can drag a JPEG into any project folder and it will convert it to a texture (and a material, I think). I've had the best results if I put the model and its textures in the same folder (and it should automatically texture the converted model for you).
  9. Ah ok. The possible good news here is that you can read and write texture pixels. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/texture/texturegetpixels-r336 Not as simple as what you were looking for but not too bad to implement.
  10. What would those be offsets from? Why not just add them to x and y yourself?
  11. I was using it yesterday but I'm not in beta and I'm assuming you are (but maybe I also need to update my project).
  12. I'd like to hope that doing LODs for trees/rocks/grass will easily/naturally translate to doing them for all models and so they'll all be done at once. Though I know it's extra effort to create commands for this.
  13. Was there mention of what the next model packs may be? I'd love (and buy) a medieval fantasy pack myself (warrior, mage, rogue/thief, villager, etc.).
  14. Go to: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/workshop Search for anything, even things you see on the first page. Everything comes back with no results.
  15. I took a shot at this but even though the pick returns an entity, I can't get to the surfaces. I don't think casting to a Model is right (and it returns gibberish for the surface count anyway).
  16. I really wouldn't mind the challenge and I don't think it would take long. I worked with OBJ files before too (reading in vertices for a project). I just need help with getting the vertices from the terrain in either of the ways I mentioned above. Edit: tested the map load hook and it doesn't catch the terrain. Edit2: ForEachVisibleEntityDo seems to catch the terrain patches though
  17. Are we able to get the terrain triangles (3 vertex coordinates per face) in the undocumented commands? Or does the map load function get the terrain via the hook? If so, I could code this for you.
  18. You can also fake it. You can set it so the navmesh ignores models so you can have a model for the visual aspect and a second one for the navmesh, which you can hide. But this may be a pain.
  19. I'm out of Likes for the day but consider this Liked!
  20. Again, just to be clear, when you reference "script" you mean source files too, right? So a comment like // myfile.tex would be picked up in any c or cpp file, right? Or just in App.cpp?
  21. If you edited your post after you posted, the delete button should be right next to that edit button.
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