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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I believe it linked to a series of YouTube videos, the first one is here: Check out the user's channel for the rest.
  2. Things come back to you quicker than you think. Though a large part of that is also thanks to how easy it is to code with Leadwerks.
  3. You need to code your GUI or use an existing one. Search the forums for GUI and you should see plenty of results.
  4. Nice update! Can we include C / C++ users with this? The theory would be that the program would scan the project file for source and header files used in it. Then it would scan those files for any model, texture and material files mentioned and include them.
  5. His blog post said that it's one of the first things he's working on this year so it's coming pretty much as fast as possible.
  6. There are times when Josh implements things mostly because they're easy to implement and they won't mess with the engine (risk introducing new bugs). Even if the usefulness is limited, what's the harm? I know we're an impatient bunch but in the end it's still his engine to do with as he feels.
  7. If it's just about doing it on your own computer, the easiest solution may be keyboard / gamepad mapping software. The idea is that you run a software in the background and it can make your program think that when you pressed a gamepad button that a keyboard button was pressed. That said, I created a gamepad example for the pervious Leadwerks but it works with DirectInput so it will only work with Windows, I believe. If you can't download that, look here for the original code I reused. I think someone else created one for Xbox controllers only too.
  8. We've been through this before but yes, as Rick said. Deleted files shouldn't ever be put back into a folder again.
  9. That should work fine. Not sure what the problem could be unless the character controller doesn't take ceilings into consideration.
  10. I believe you're looking for these commands: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/joint/
  11. You would use the context commands, especially DrawImage. That's how I made this:
  12. Hey, pretty cool and more than that, original.
  13. Not sure but you may be having the problem described in this thred: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10260-mixamo-model-animation-problems/
  14. You'd be surprised at how often I solve my own problems just talking them out or starting a post.
  15. There is definitely a learning curve if you haven't programmed before. That can't be helped. But as you said, there is documentation out there to help you and also existing scripts which you can learn from and also reuse yourself. I'm more on the opposite end - I can code "ok" in C / C++ but I'm not much of a modeler. I'll have to pay a lot of money once I'm ready to incorporate non-placeholder models into my project.
  16. I tend to direct people to these threads but I have a feeling you already tried the suggestions http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10698-softened-alpha-for-plants/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8999-fence-shadowing/
  17. You can definitely share the keyboard locally (but you can only press a certain number of keys before the keyboard jams up). There is also Steam controller support with commands here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/steamworks/
  18. That's the other catch - the game player is part of Leadwerks. I don't know if it's part of the free demo.
  19. Now sure if you're already familiar with the commands but you can use either DrawImage to draw textures/images on the screen or DrawText for text. Then you can use SetColor to change the color to whatever you'd like when the mouse is over a menu item. You can use Window commands to do mouse and/or keyboard detection.
  20. I believe Josh suggested Project Anarchy as a mobile development alternative.
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