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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Thanks for sharing the solution.
  2. Maybe you can use prefabs as a shortcut but I don't use them so I don't know if each part would individually snap to their respective ground heights.
  3. Sorry, I use C and don't know Lua. I would modify the examples on those pages or look at some of the tutorials/documenation to start.
  4. Do it in what respect? If you mean vegetation painting, that feature isn't part of Leadwerks yet. You'll need to add models one by one.
  5. Not sure if you need specifics and if you're using Lua or C but I think you're looking for the DrawImage and DrawText commands. The rest of the Context functions are here.
  6. The person in this thread had a similar problem http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11364-doors-help-please/
  7. Happy to try to help. Good luck with the rest!
  8. Do you know if you have physics collision properly set up?
  9. And someone reminded me in the other thread: compressed sound/music support please. It benefits literally all users who use music and sound in their projects.
  10. Not sure what the question is. You would have something like a Character base class that would have the entity Model, animation functions you mentioned, position, etc. The derived classes like the Knight and Bat would have functions for their unique characteristics.
  11. By the way, I think it's important to say that it doesn't have to be all or nothing right out of the box. Specifically for water, I would be super happy to have even this prototype you worked on 4 years ago. I believe you did a temporary version for shadows sometime back and it made all the difference in the world! And later you could add things like being able to change colors to make it like lava, green ooze, etc. (though I think maybe that's not the hard part).
  12. The Indy version does everything except allow you to code in C / C++. The Standard edition DLC adds that feature. I've seen that some commands aren't exposed to Lua so C / C++ has more commands available but I haven't seen a list comparing the two.
  13. Even knowing that just the first five are planned for 2015 would put me at ease. I'd put decals at the top because they benefit indoor projects as well.
  14. gamecreator

    The Workshop

    Fair enough. Still would have been awesome though.
  15. gamecreator

    The Workshop

    Just a thought on the game player: if it supported C/C++ and it was its own app that they could install, it would be my preferred way of distributing to my friends for testing.
  16. I suggest skimming this article: http://www.learn-cocos2d.com/2013/08/physics-engine-platformer-terrible-idea/
  17. To be clear, Leadwerks (and most engines) doesn't support 2D platformers like Little Big Planet. You would have to code all of your collision detection/responses yourself, pretty much from scratch.
  18. If you mean letters as in text, that's done with the DrawText command, here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/contextdrawtext-r731 For online multiplayer people use RakNet, as Guppy mentioned, or you can also use Steam: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9663-introduction-to-steam-code-in-leadwerks/ Finally, yes, you can do local multiplayer with two (or more) people on a keyboard. I believe you can also get controllers to work but Leadwerks doesn't have that built in, except for Steam controllers: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/steamworks/
  19. Check here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10794-needing-help/
  20. As far as I know, the only difference between Standard and Indy is that Standard allows you to code in C++. If your friends don't need to to do that, they shouldn't need the Standard version. They can still use the editor to create maps, etc. and even create or modify Lua scripts, if they want. The only other thought is that I'm not sure if they can run your program from the Editor. I imagine you'd need to supply your EXE for them but not sure if that would work.
  21. Documentation at the top, Command Reference, Map link. Though you may need to search the forums for an example as the one there doesn't do this.
  22. You can get the entities with the Load function when you load the map using a hook.
  23. I think I found it. Looks like it should be Entity::PolygonPick instead of Pick::Polygon.
  24. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetpickmode-r135 Says PickData is undefined. Probably should be PickInfo. Also, when you replace picksphere->SetPickMode(0) with picksphere->SetPickMode(Pick::Polygon) it doesn't work so Parameters description seems wrong but I could be doing something wrong myself.
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