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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Other option is to try making the material 2-sided.
  2. Thanks. I'm also not on beta so maybe some of this is different there. I would still strongly suggest not downloading items at launch that are not used in the loaded project though.
  3. I just tried to start the editor and I had to wait several minutes while it downloaded the Terrain Textures (no skip option to just get to the editor). Now it says New Addons are available with it and another Addon having warning icons next to them asking if I want to install (with the Uninstall button grayed out). What? Didn't it just download these? So I'll just close this window out (praying it won't cause any issues) and unsubscribe, so this won't happen again. I'm sure these are the types of issues being resolved but for now, for me, zip files really are more hassle-free. Edit: I don't see the assets in the editor any more (to unsubscribe) so I don't know what it was downloading at launch. Yet when I go to the Workshop, it still says I'm subscribed. I don't know what's going on.
  4. Read here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11181-r6025-pure-virtual-function-call/
  5. Is that done by setting mass to 0? I saw on this page that but SetMass says So I'm a little confused. I assume by "unmovable" it means by Physics commands, in which case the documentation should be a little more clear/specific.
  6. While I love the idea, there are so many other features applicable to both single- and multiplayer games that would be much more useful.
  7. Have you tried the Physics move command? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entityphysicssetposition-r190
  8. I suppose you could group the features into two: 1. What helps people work on games? CSG tools, vegetation painting, etc. 2. What helps people finish up games? Water, better graphics, dynamic sky, etc. What should Josh focus on? I think most people would agree on 1. But this also goes back to there apparently being thousands of Leadwerks users, only a vast minority of which interact here.
  9. There are other better alternatives like FFsplit and Twitch but it's nice to see Steam putting this out there.
  10. Considering that there are hundreds of Leadwerks users and that you're the only one who asked about books in the last two years, I think it's safe to say the demand for it is pretty low. It's understandable when there are so many free resources out there.
  11. He was asking about Steam; why would you not use it?
  12. There is a hesitance to depend on Steam when from an outsider's perspective it isn't necessary and other engines don't use it. It's just one more thing that could go wrong. However, in reality, it never does and worrying about it is more or less pointless. And apparently it makes Josh's life easier which allows him to focus on other things, which benefits the community.
  13. Helpful criticism YouGroove and nice of you to provide links to examples.
  14. I'm curious what you'd like the book to do that the user guide, videos, tutorials, documentation, examples/snippets, forum posts don't. Also curious: are you looking for Lua or C code?
  15. Though you sound like you're set on Raknet (and it's a great engine which a lot of people here use), I also posted code snippets for using Steam, if you want to take a look: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9663-introduction-to-steam-code-in-leadwerks/ The advantage to it is that it makes connections and a lot of other things like opening websites super easy. The disadvantage, of course, is that you need Steam. You can also do a hybrid, using Steam to connect and Raknet to transfer data (Steam can give IP info to you to use with Raknet).
  16. I have a model with two materials. I would like to use Material::SetColor to set the color of the second one. How would I go about choosing the second material and setting its color? Also, why does this crash my program? model->GetMaterial()->SetColor(1, 0, 0); Is it because I have two materials on my model?
  17. It looks like you use Create with an Entity.
  18. Yes, that's the client that downloads Leadwerks. It's free.
  19. If you parent it like in the example, you don't even need to use SetPosition (it will be attached and follow automatically).
  20. If you just want to rotate the model, attach it to a pivot first like in the SetInput documenation example.
  21. I thought polymeshes aren't supposed to move. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/shape/shapepolymesh-r523
  22. Thanks. Not familiar with prefabs but I'll try it. How would you change something like tire friction?
  23. Good thought but I doubt members could make DLCs for Leadwerks.
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