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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Not hard to convert. I believe this would be the C equivalent. Vec3 Velocity = entity->GetVelocity(); float Speed = Velocity->Length(); float JumpPower = JUMPBOOST*Speed; //todo: if Speed is 0, what will you do? edit: whoops. That's what I get for trying this at work. Thanks macklebee.
  2. Many people don't use that limitation. Plus how bad is it to simply ask the artist how much he'd charge? Especially for an already-finished model, it couldn't be that expensive.
  3. https://www.google.com/search?q=google+hangouts+limit
  4. There's some seriously high quality models there. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. Sadly it looks like you're also the 11th person. Surprised it takes more than 10, considering what Josh said above.
  6. It was put together pretty fast. Is or will the code be available? And how was the thruster glow done?
  7. This is a powerful addition to the engine! However, as ZIP is horrible at compressing WAV, the file size issue will remain. Edit: Just did a quick test at home on a 5 minute song. WAV (16 bit PCM, 2 channels, 44,100 Hz): 50.4MB ZIPped WAV: 44.5MB OGG (7 quality, around 190kbps, 44kHz): 7.28MB From my understanding these are typical results and all projects with music and sound (and how many don't have them eventually?) would benefit from this implementation.
  8. Trust me: you're far from the only one who's said those lines. Other things simply take a higher priority and Josh is mostly a one-man show.
  9. I'm pretty sure this is still a requested feature.
  10. All of the above. Many indie games also sell their soundtracks to offset costs and the generally low prices of their games.
  11. I remember loving the simplicity of that library but I also thought it supported password protected ZIP files, which isn't mentioned in the feature list. Dang.
  12. Please search the forums first http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10043-mdl-file-format-question/
  13. Josh said here that he doesn't read PMs. You may need to email it to him.
  14. Any luck with this? Did you have the same experience I did?
  15. Josh, I PM-ed you an FBX 5 days ago regarding a possible FBX conversion error. It's a simple mesh with a single collision box. If the box is included, the mesh is not shown. If the box is not included, the mesh shows fine (but obviously there's no collision box, which I need to include). Could you please check your PM and respond either there or here? Thanks.
  16. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/world/worldsetlightquality-r825 And yes, we are.
  17. Any decent model editor will let you select and map faces of your choosing. For example, check out how 3ds Max does it here with Unwrap UVW.
  18. I've only ever had this problem with files when they were either opened on another computer in the network or they were manually set to read-only.
  19. The layout looks like it gives a lot of room to play in. Can't wait to see the gameplay in action.
  20. Was that addressed to Josh or us?
  21. Thank you for the help and the update Josh! I'll likely wait until the non-beta release to test it and work on as if it's fixed.
  22. How many here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=259041136
  23. This is a mixed bag. You can call BuildNavMesh any time but it's too slow to use on large levels. I'm not clear how obstruction works but I think anything put in the way of a character stops it (going from the gate in Rick's videos) or pushes it.
  24. True. From our perspective the option would be nice, especially if you already have the code. Just disable it by default and give a fair warning in the documentation.
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