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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Ooooh. That sounds promising. I'm happy to test it for you and upload the results. I'm not on beta though. Not sure if it would risk anything in my project if I switch to it. Any chance you could sneak it into a release build this week?
  2. Assuming this program makes some sales, it's interesting to be able to say that just the shader editor in Leadwerks is worth more than $30.
  3. Shadmar's the official judge, jury and executioner.
  4. He posted twice and it looks like he got help here (though I was going to post what you posted before).
  5. No, that was his example to Mikko of what looks wrong (per the Google Groups thread he posted it in). I wonder what it looks like after his fix.
  6. Mikko responded: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/recastnavigation/jMf59hFNs_Q
  7. I threw a post up there. Feel free to chime in if you have more to add as it'll definitely make more sense to you than me.
  8. I'm working on pathfinding and my character often doesn't take direct routes to the target (shown here as a red circle), even though the floor is generated from a completely flat plane (minus the middle column). As you can see it takes the long way around the left and right side of the middle column even though it can clearly go through those areas. This may have to do with bad path weighting but I don't know. Is there a way to force the goblin to always cut the direct path? This is the shape/navmesh code, if it helps: // Set ground navigation shape shape = Shape::Box(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 16, -0.1); room->SetShape(shape); shape->Release(); room->SetNavigationMode(true); // Set column navigation shape column1=Model::Load("Models/column1.mdl"); shape = Shape::Box(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, 0.3, 4); column1->SetShape(shape); shape->Release(); column1->SetNavigationMode(true); world->BuildNavMesh();
  9. Check this out http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8507-free-resources/
  10. There are a few optimizations like being able to set the Camera's range and Lights' ranges. LODs are not implemented so you'd have to do that yourself. I'm pretty sure the map loads all scene items when you load it, which may take a while. You may be able to load multiple maps but I'm not sure (this would allow you to break your map up into sections, if possible).
  11. Ah, good catch. I made the material 2-sided and I think that fixed it.
  12. Any idea what could cause the below issue? The shadows from the ridges of the wall are clearly off. It's the same in-game too. Thanks.
  13. If you did a Kickstarter for it a year or two down the line, when compatibility hopefully gets better, do you think it would do poorly? Also, any estimate on how much you would need for it (before Kickstarter and merchandise costs)? $20k like Linux? Or less since you've already worked on it before? Or more because it's still more work? That said, I understand there's existing competition out there for it, including the free Anarchy option you pointed out before.
  14. True, dynamic lighting is a big one. This was one of the videos that impressed me the most, originally. This was up there too
  15. This would definitely be handy to have in the Steam workshop and also publicly available. Like skyboxes, explosions large and small are used in almost every game. Bonus points if you can change the color for other looks and effects (like acid blasts, spells, etc.)
  16. "Simple, clean" C++ API Affordable, one-time price (it's also great that 3.2 and 3.3 are free upgrades) No royalties Certain members without whom this community would be a much smaller place Steam integration is a nice bonus
  17. Sounds like a bug but I'm curious: did you try setting your own custom collision numbers? I think there was a thread on this somewhere, though it may be unofficial.
  18. For me just stars would be great. But if you want to do one with a full moon as well, I'm sure I could use it.
  19. Someone linked a skybox maker on this site but I can't find it now. Chris, if you can make a starry sky without anything else, that would be great.
  20. Check out this article http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/technical/general-programming/organizing-code-files-in-c-and-c-r1798
  21. I don't code in Lua but I've been watching and enjoying these. Thank you from me too!!
  22. Slightly more info here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1274-new-beta-update-available/
  23. Josh's response to "Will we still have the asset store?"
  24. I think TJ had one that was C++ so no worries.
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