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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. That seems like a pretty thorough list to me. Of course the resolution scaling, if implemented correctly, is the most important feature. Ease of use is also important. Finally, I'm not sure if your FlowGUI does this but I'd like to be able to create and destroy buttons purely by code, instead of requiring XAML like Noesis seems to. Thanks for working on this!
  2. Does this work for C++ projects where you don't have a player prefab and you add the skybox via C code?
  3. Water was the second most requested feature in my poll so hopefully Josh considers it a high priority.
  4. I have a feeling you'd like this for the Halloween tournament too. Would be great if it was adjustable so you could make it thicker or thinner at will but anything to start would be nice. The only amateur thing I can think of at the moment is drawing a transparent white rectangle over the entire screen, which doesn't look realistic.
  5. I assume you're talking about the cpp file; it's there automatically with a new project. I never touched or created a camera myself in any way there or in the editor. (I'm using the standard Steam version, by the way.)
  6. I started a new project, created a new 1024 terrain, added the terrain_savannah_dirt texture to it then added skybox_texture under Root/Skybox. Looks fine in the editor. I then compiled the C++ project in Release mode without touching anything. The terrain shows but the skybox doesn't. It's quick to recreate but here's my project anyway: https://www.mediafire.com/?i44bg54l95ddd9t Thanks.
  7. Check this out http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8506-i-need-help-finding-resources-for-my-game-also-looking-for-interested-people-to-work-with/
  8. Which is funny because I'm pretty sure my vote topic didn't get pushed to the top after a vote. I wonder why not but I prefer it that way.
  9. Just to be clear, if the OGG containts FLAC, then it's lossless and the size is reduced around 40-50%, per the wiki. Otherwise, it's lossy (and smaller).
  10. I'd take a look at this in your case: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8999-fence-shadowing/ It may not help but it looks related.
  11. Pretty sure that turns it black. The DrawImage example uses this, just before drawing: context->SetColor(1,1,1);
  12. I assume from Rick's response that the Load hook isn't exposed in Lua. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/map/mapload-r510 This may be the push you needed to get the C++ version. Or the push you needed to push Josh to expose it, ha.
  13. It seems that the standalone version is being discontinued. Not too surprising considering Josh's focus.
  14. I'm jealous of what you can do in such a short time.
  15. I assume you've already tried the Blender Exporter...?
  16. How does this relate to outdoor scenes? Things like vegetation painting, decals and a reasonable outdoor FPS seem to be "standard" engine features and I think the community came across these as issues while developing (in that they're not available). Do these fall into the "workflow needs improvement" category? I'd argue the same for water too. And naturally these were the highest voted requested features.
  17. You have to do some non-intuitive things to get transparent textures to work. This thread may help. Others should be able to help you with the rest of your questions as I code in C and it sounds like you're using Lua. Welcome to the community!
  18. Have you tried both world and camera picks and neither worked?
  19. I think everyone is asking for the option to include/not include template files in a new project and also in updates. That would make everyone happy, no? You can have the checkbox be checked by default so that if beginners uncheck the box, it's their own fault.
  20. Not to mention that as far as I can tell, it works fine right now!! Sure, it doesn't package it automatically but it's not like you need this process every day or even every week. When you finish a demo, zip up your files, password protect them, add in the code and you're done! Maybe I'm missing something but just because it's undocumented doesn't mean it's unusable.
  21. There is such a thing as too much art. There are otherwise great artists who would make incredible characters but they bury them in 15 belts (crisscrossed all over the place), 20 pouches, 80 daggers, 30 boot straps, etc. etc. Then there are others who put lens flares and god rays and other filters in everything and it makes otherwise good images look tacky. It's definitely a balance between simple elegance and pronounced character but it's easier to overdo it than under.
  22. I'm sure you thought of this but one possible solution is to reimplement your own Asset Store. But I understand that the convenience of Steam is very tempting.
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