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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Great idea! Thanks for sharing it!!
  2. Did you have a guy that didn't work out? I was secretly hoping that we were gonna see a character set released soon.
  3. And the vote is here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10469-vote-requested-features-and-improvements/
  4. One thought is the possibility that an update may unintentionally break your project and then you're stuck not being able to work until the next fix comes out. If you force someone to update their projects then maybe give them an option to revert if issues come up.
  5. I believe you would need to just email Josh using the email you used to register.
  6. Yes, it's an unofficial/undocumented feature at the moment. Related reading: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8659-implement-virtual-filesystem/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10034-publishing-a-game/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8095-making-a-single-assets-file/
  7. You mean like MexSource was looking for? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10198-get-shadow-info-for-stealth-game-thief-like/
  8. Thanks Jorn. I'd ask that you please add the Steam demo to the demo section (http://store.steampowered.com/app/251810/, Download Demo button).
  9. I don't have 2 in my client area either and I also own it (and we both have the Developer tag which was originally given to LE2 owners).
  10. You can also use Resize in the Model Editor to specify an exact height.
  11. Ask Steam, as it's their problem to fix. One of their previous patches seemed to have fixed it but the next one broke it again. I'm hoping Josh told his Steam contact this as that may be an easier way of figuring out what helped and what didn't.
  12. I can't find it in the documentation, searching either for SetLightQuality (no results) or just quality (1 legacy result). Seems like it should be here, but it isn't: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/world/
  13. And what makes you think that some of these aren't already in Josh's unannounced plans? In fact he already announced more models coming and showed sincere interest in the CSG tools, at least.
  14. No. This started simply from my curiosity about two things: 1. What does the community want to see in Leadwerks? Does it match what I want? 2. Does Josh want from Leadwerks what the community wants? Will we see any of the most desired features this year or early next?
  15. Thanks. I'd really love a large turnout as well, whether you've used the engine for years and come across some challenges or you've just switched from another engine and are missing some features you've used before, or even brand new users whose projects would be helped by the above.
  16. No problem at all. A lot of things are already covered in the forums.
  17. I've reviewed all of the posts in the original thread and created a poll based on everyone's suggestions. Please vote for your 3 most important requested features and improvements. Thank you. Edit: I found the vote results interesting and in large part as expected. Most people seem to be interested in being able to do more with their scenes, including outdoor maps.
  18. Please search the forums before posting http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8317-2d-player-selectioncircles/
  19. The short version is that you use Load to load a texture, which is a picture of a button or menu background, then DrawImage to display it. Then you use either mouse or keyboard commands to detect their selection and activation. But I believe there are both C++ and Lua code to use if you search the forums.
  20. Not sure if this answers your question but you may be interested in reading this http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/41/entry-1112-virtual-texture-terrain/
  21. Remember that this thread in no way obligates Josh to work on any of these. While it would be nice if he ended up prioritizing the top choices, they may not be part of his plans in the immediate future.
  22. A week of suggestions should be good enough for everone to have weighed in. Since the Leadwerks forums limit choices to 20 options, I'm thinking of using an outside poll site to have people choose their top 3. Though then again, I'd love the actual final vote be on Leadwerks. Should I do both: present the entire list of choices on an outside site and have people vote for their top 5 there, then their favorite 3 here from the top 20 after?
  23. Thanks for sharing the code, though I don't know Lua. I had an issue with it too, which I posted about. Looking forward to fix.
  24. Maybe try this to see if it helps: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/world/worldsetphysicsdetail-r785 That said, physics still needs a lot of work in Leadwerks so I would advise you to stay away from it for now to save yourself some headaches.
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