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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Are you using Lua or C++? What 3D software are you using? How far have you gotten so far?
  2. Please confirm that the objects have navmesh inclusion set (I forget what the option is called but you can have the navmesh either include or exclude per item). And I assume you didn't raise the terrain after you generated the navmesh. If so, you'd need to regenerate it, I believe.
  3. Where is that executable found in the Project folder? (I use Visual Studio.) But this requires players to own Leadwerks and is Lua-only, correct?
  4. Though I haven't used it, there is an apparently very powerful GUI solution promoted here. There are also free solutions, in various states, provided by the community. Finally, the Leadwerks Kickstarter had it as a stretch goal but the stretch goals were added late and so that one was $2,642 short of becoming a reality. That said, Josh mentioned that he saw that there was clear interest and I believe he said he will likely incorporate it eventually. Edit: found the mention on a Kickstarter update from July 31, 2013.
  5. Leadwerks is a very powerful engine but, like any engine, it's never quite complete. I've seen a lot of suggestions and requests and some of them have come up a few times now. I was curious which features the community truly wants so I decided to make a two-step thread. Step 1 (this thread): Identify the list of features and improvements members need Step 2 (next thread): Have the community vote on them I've skimmed the suggestions forum and these are the suggestions that stuck out as most "popular": Adjustable visual effects: HDR, SSAO, color grading, global illumination, motion blur, etc. Built-in networking and automatic server/client synchronization Character controller improvement, including obstacle navigation like climbing walls and ladders and 2D platformer support Decals Editor optimizations including custom folders for scene list More Leadwerks-ready model and texture content (more workshop items): animated characters, buildings, nature, props, textures, etc. New and updated projects with option to not add samle/template files Physics improvement and greater feature implementation (including cloth/hair) Speed optimization, especially for outdoor scenes (with LODs) "Vegetation" painter Water: ocean, lake, puddle, river, stream, etc. I'm sure I'm missing some so please reply with whatever else you think the engine and community really needs (as a higher priority Josh should focus on, if he can).
  6. Is this still the case: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/6/entry-1245-leadwerks-32-indie-animated-character-workflow-test/ Specifically that animations are very expensive and you have to buy many (?) of them separately? Also, how good is it about creating a variety of medieval characters? I'm always looking for swordsmen, mages, rogues, villagers, etc., the stereotypical fantasy characters. Does it have a variety of armor, cloths and similar? If it can create a variety of them, I'm seriously considering buying it too.
  7. It's been requested before but I couldn't find the thread with a quick search.
  8. Could you adapt it to work in your own LE3 code? Probably much better than starting from scratch, even if it doesn't work in the editor.
  9. Speaking of Theora, this was done for LE2: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/89-letheorazip/ Maybe you can adapt it. Also this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/395-video-rendering-with-directshow/
  10. It was given to people who bought LE2. Not sure how, if at all, to get it now.
  11. Are you using Lua or C++? In general I think the idea is to switch away from using the character controller as it's not set up to climb ladders, as far as I know. When the character gets to the ladder, use your own code to have it climb up or down. When the character leaves the ladder, switch back to using the character controller.
  12. I do miss the water. It's an important part of any outdoor environment. Lakes, oceans, pools, puddles, streams, rivers (the last 2 I think may be more difficult)... with some coloring lava, acidic ooze, soups... modified you can even use them as special barriers like Portal 2 fizzlers and light bridges. I thought shadmar or someone was updating this for the community to work with the current Leadwerks version (and hopefully without Lua being required) but I could be wrong. As for the others: it's one of those "would be really nice" things but it's not exactly critical to make demos and small games. It also seems to me that this would be a higher priority should an LE3 game come closer to completion. That said, I'm still rooting for shadmar and others on this. The day/night video looked amazing!
  13. For Lua, check this thread: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10308-good-lua-tutorials/ Proper map making requires good assets and an eye for what does and doesn't work. You're probably better off searching on YouTube and Google for it. Also, YouGroove may have had a video or two in the Off Topic section that might help.
  14. Have you seen this post? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9505-tons-of-memory-leaks-in-leadwerks/#entry71776 Are you able to check if memory gets cleaned up eventually? (I don't know what the "threshold" Josh mentions is.)
  15. If you click on More Reply Options at the bottom, you have the option to attach files on the next page. You can also use common image hosts like http://postimage.org/.
  16. I think custom folders would definitely be the answer here. You could label them by areas and put every entity in one area in the same folder, for example.
  17. As far as I can tell everyone's been happy with Rick's tutoring. I know I'd ask him to help me if I ever took up Lua. Here's the original thread on it: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9674-1-on-1-training-by-the-hour/
  18. You're welcome. We look forward to seeing your creations! Feel free to ask (and answer) any questions and don't forget the tutorial and document sections at the top and also the forum search as many common questions are already answered.
  19. Even just as placeholders, existing animated characters save tons of time and money.
  20. I can go to Client Area then Purchases and there are links to the downloaders there. Also, make sure you check the email you purchased it with for confirmation and activation code (I believe). Josh may have to approve this manually so please give it a day or so, just in case.
  21. I'm guessing one brightness may be for the diffuse map, the other for the specular.
  22. Have you already considered the 2D drawing functions? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/
  23. Ah, an undocumented function. You cheater! Thanks Evayr!
  24. Really? What would the command for that look like in C++?
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