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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I'm not sure but this might help too http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitycollisionhook-r64
  2. There are a lot of options but a lot of people like Blender, which is free.
  3. Crazy thought but sometimes this seems to come up: have you tried testing against a child instead? Can you check if your model has any children? But maybe I'm just thinking about tjheldna's status update.
  4. sabino, you may be interested in the 2D documentation examples to give you an idea of what drawing 2D graphics looks like. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/ Specifically, DrawImage draws any image onto the screen, DrawText puts text on the screen, etc.
  5. Or combine it. Water Prefab [Luacy]
  6. I found the account option under Settings -> Cloud. Where do you enable it specifically for the app? I went to Library, right-clicked on Leadwerks, went to Properties but none of the 5 tabs at the top mention anything about the Cloud when you click on them. ... wow. Just launched the editor and it's downloading a mess of stuff. Success! Maybe my app setting (wherever it is) is already correct as the Workshop folder now has stuff in it!! YAY!!! (And naturally I now have a Workshop folder under C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Leadwerks\Workshop\251810) Thanks!
  7. TJ I've seen both (not that I'm a pro - just the opposite). The advantage of the T position is that it's easier to assign the verices to the bones because you don't have them overlap near the armpit. Either works though.
  8. I don't use Blender (yet) but maybe worth asking this on the Kickstarter page too.
  9. By the way, I did end up installing a file monitor (Moo0 FileMonitor v1.11 Portable). Here's the log it generated when I subscribed to an item. So it turns out I do have random folders where I have several upload.zip files (not the same file name structure Aggror has). Maybe I can manually copy them...
  10. As per Aggror's screenshot, all file names seem to start with Asset_, I searched both my drives completely for any files with that name in them. No luck (there were several copies of asset_manager.h found in my Leadwerks folder though). So it seems that for whatever reason the files don't get saved to my drive (or get deleted or are named something else for me). I'll keep investigating. Maybe I can find a program that monitors hard drive activity... By the way, Portal 2 has a workshop folder: D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\portal2\maps\workshop\ which of course works.
  11. I believe the gray box problem can be solved with by going to View -> Show Physics to turn that off.
  12. I have the issue too now. Steam did an update yesterday that undid the previous fix.
  13. D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Leadwerks Indie Edition is where my Steam Leadwerks.exe and all the Leadwerks files are. My projects are under C:\Leadwerks\Projects C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Leadwerks\ has Leadwerks.cfg and Leadwerks.log and a temp folder (with 6 small files in it) C:\Users\x\Documents\Leadwerks has a Backup folder, Projects folder (with MyGame in it, which I think was someone else's game I installed) and a Screenshots folder. Maybe there's another folder I didn't come across yet? Is there a way to tell where Leadwerks is trying to save the workshop files? Because neither of those have any zip files or anything to do with Workshop. I also just searched my entire Users folder for .zip files and workshop folder, just in case it could be under another user. No luck.
  14. Still looking for a solution to this. When other people load the editor, does it load their workshop files automatically too (in the log at the bottom)?
  15. There may be a simpler solution but that's what I would experiment with. I think you may need to take relative positions into account as well.
  16. 81 frames of a single idle animation sequence seem fine in Max. Agreed with macklebee on the t-pose.
  17. Then you would need to take into account the angles between the light and the raycast. If they're too large then the character's in a shadow.
  18. Yes, Josh thought he fixed this but that doesn't look to be the case. www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8336-terrain-textures-have-black-dots
  19. Or futuristic, of course (like Mass Effect). I wonder if Josh will announce his choice(s) and let us choose the animations we need (besides the basic walk, run, jump, attack, hurt, etc.).
  20. Put an entity there? Long answer: Create a box at the start of your program. Hide it. Whenever you need to point something at a location: Unhide box Position it to location Point entity at box Hide box
  21. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitypoint-r167
  22. Are you talking about basic file saving and loading?
  23. Yeah, just figured this out the hard way. Finally got Visual Leak Detector working (didn't report while my program crashed so I had to comment out some lines to make it exit normally) and I got 2308 memory leaks, which I doubt are all mine. So I have a billion lines of debug information which I can't make heads or tails of. What kills me is that this project is pretty simple right now. The problem may well be obvious to some people and very simply wrong once found... but it all looks fine to me right now. I'll try some other suggestions and test my luck. Otherwise I don't know what to do.
  24. Sweet. I'm curious: how did you do the waterfall animation in the engine?
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