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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. In C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Leadwerks\ I have only a temp folder, Leadwerks.cfg and Leadwerks.log. The last two were updated yesterday (the last time I opened Steam Leadwerks). If it helps, here's the contents of the log file: I've bolded that it is trying to synchronize the workshop files but it doesn't indicate any success or failure. Should there be more to it? Maybe no error indicates success...? Also, this may be related to not having the underwater game on my list either after subscribing to it a week or two back.
  2. Shoot, sorry: it's Steam but not beta. What's that called? Steam standard? Yes, I've searched all hidden files and folders and I also restarted the editor several times after subscribing to more items.
  3. I also did a search for a Workshop folder (making sure to include hidden folders) as it seems Aggror has one, as per here, but found nothing related to Leadwerks.
  4. I've successfully subscribed to several Workshop files. I saw them download through Steam and as per the below screenshot, Steam indicates them as subscribed to. However, I never see any of the assets in my Workshop folder, no matter how many times I restart. I've Verified the Integrity of the Application Cache just in case and it comes up with no issues. Could the Workshop folder be pointing somewhere incorrect maybe?
  5. Our of curiosity, for those who are looking for a "character" or "human," would something like this http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/human-male-3d-model/504883 or this http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/free-max-model-male-character/808951 work if animated?
  6. Looks like that's in your Lua code - you change your entity's color and it will change the glow amount.
  7. It's been 10 days since Josh posted a report to Valve. Hopefully he'll have an update for us shortly but the workarounds above seem to be working for most people.
  8. I believe there was a thread about how to get all entities in a map or scene. Try searching for that to start.
  9. Hello. I was just wondering what the community here likes to use for memory leak detection. I ask because last night my program started to crash in a random place that doesn't make any sense and I figured I have a memory leak. I use Windows Visual Studio 2013 so anything that works with that is a bonus. I found a few things like Visual Leak Detector online and a lot of people seem to suggest Valgrind but I thought I'd ask anyway. Thanks!
  10. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/356-masterxilos-gmf2obj-converter/ Also http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/517-gmf-sdk-source-code/
  11. I'm sure there's a better way but maybe you can use a combination of AddPostEffect and ClearPostEffects.
  12. To start, I'd check to see if the site tells you about your previous purchase. If you go to the dropdown menu by your name at the top right, then click on Client Area, then Purchases, does your purchase show?
  13. It looks like when a model loads, Leadwerks doesn't use the Pivot to position it to 0, 0, 0. I'm not sure if this is intentional. outline = Model::Load("Models/model.mdl"); outline->SetPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, true); The above code will place the model to different places depending on whether the second line is commented out or not (unless the pivot is at 0, 0, 0, of course).
  14. Oddly only detail view freezes for me (as on the screenshot on the first page). Thanks for the suggestion of switching modes. I can finally right-click on Leadwerks and go to Properties!
  15. 121 pages of comments since June 21!!
  16. He actually looks kind of friendly in a way. Did you texture him from scratch?
  17. There used to be additional forums to cover these but there wasn't enough demand to justify it. Also, payments are typically arranged directly between the two parties as usually vendors have their own preferences.
  18. That sounds reasonable. Out of curiosity, would you like it with C code or Lua?
  19. There was a way to go through all entities in a map by code (not through the editor). There was a thread somewhere on this. Once you have those then I believe you can get all of their surfaces and textures via surface commands and manually write them to a file. You'd have to write your own exporter as Leadwerks doesn't have export functions, I believe.
  20. I'm not clear from your post: did you already double click Diffuse under Layer 1 and choose a texture to paint with? If not, I think that's what you're missing.
  21. You probably already also saw this but just in case http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9996-blender-exporter-available/
  22. Yeah, that's the issue that made me copy and paste entire posts to notepad, work from there, then copy and paste back. Awkward but it's a workaround.
  23. Try this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/camerasetrange-r203
  24. If you had a huge chunk of cash I'd suggest generic Assassin's Creed-style swordsman, rogue and mage. Kind of like what Arteria has but higher quality. A zombie would be good for the community though the crawler is a great placeholder for that (I'm not a zombie game fan personally). And maybe a futuristic model like a space marine. But these are just ideas. I was very close to hiring an artist for the 3 medieval characters a few months ago but thought I'd better make coding progress with placeholders first as my project is a slow hobby at this point.
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