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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. If you plan on making a Steam game then you can use code from here to get started: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9663-introduction-to-steam-code-in-leadwerks/ Otherwise you can incorporate Raknet, which is also free. Josh can speak for Leadwerks multiplayer plans but I believe it was planned at some point down the line.
  2. Nice. It's definitely fun to play with the physics. That's most of the reason why people like making rolling ball games.
  3. That's alright. I can still launch the editor. Don't know how it will affect my projects. Hopefully nothing will get bugged. When the Library issue is resolved I can properly redownload it.
  4. YouGroove, you don't have to go to Library to go into Offline mode. I believe only going to Library freezes Steam. And I thought it was something weird with the Leadwerks Workshop too as the same icons didn't load for me either but seeing Dan's screenshot changes things, I think. As a sidenote, I tried to access Leadwerks through Big Picture mode but I don't think it can be accessed through the Library there. My problem is that I don't think Leadwerks updated properly. I think it stopped about 1% in. Is there a way to try to have it re-download without going into it from Library?
  5. Search the forums for the Leadwerks community project. I believe we used Google Docs to share files and ideas and something else for the project files.
  6. I assume you also regenerated the navmesh. I wish I had more but it may be time to file a bug report, with a project Josh can test with.
  7. Make sure you update your project. I only mention this because when Leadwerks updated over the weekend, most of my enemies were just running in place. After I updated the project, the problem went away.
  8. Such little faith in your eager users... Lucky for you I still have 3 hours before I'm back home to break it.
  9. I love seeing the banners but the height right now is a little ridiculous. It and the menu take up almost half the screen (at a 1080p resolution).
  10. Nice site. More importantly, it looks like you've made a ton of progress on this project already. Well done and looking forward to release!!
  11. You'll want to use GetPosition to detect when the background went past a certain point and then SetPosition to place it back to the beginning position. I don't know Lua or I'd provide an example but maybe the documentation examples will help.
  12. Thanks shadmar! It would be really nice to be able to just drop it in and just customize it and not worry about scripts and such.
  13. I believe Josh said they're the exact same format, so you can just rename the extension.
  14. Wow, just realized the Store's offline at the top. Josh, the creator of the engine, was allowing people to trade to Steam from the standalone version. Maybe the reverse is true as well. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9973-about-workshop/
  15. We've had this discussion. Zip packaging and reading is possible with Leadwerks (just not documented).
  16. I imagine it will be available with the workshop release, whenever that happens. No ETA has been announced to my knowledge so it may be a few more months.
  17. Ah, Josh thought he solved this problem but apparently it's still around http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8336-terrain-textures-have-black-dots/ It's fine for me as I'll be using normal maps anyway. But I guess the easy fix is to use your own flat normal map. As for the quality issue, I'll need to research more after work. It didn't seem as bad at a quick glance this morning.
  18. I think I'm doing something wrong but I can't tell what. The texture quality on my terrain is pretty horrible no matter what compression settings I use both in the editor and in the template program. The left side is the editor/program and the right is the texture editor (which looks fine). I have all my settings at maximum in the editor options. Any thoughts as to what I may be missing? Edit: I think it has something to do with the normal because when remove that it looks better. Edit 2: And now I have black dots at the corners of my textures for some reason. Saw this somewhere before. Gotta get some sleep now though. Thoughts welcome in the meantime. Sand from this texture pack: Free 3D textures pack 08
  19. Also, you need to be in the beta.
  20. You can also hire our local Lua expert http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9674-1-on-1-training-by-the-hour/
  21. Yeah, I've seen that issue around and I think that's one of the reasons Josh will be optimizing/working on the controllers.
  22. Good point. Habit. I've just never really used CSG yet so I tend to forget about it.
  23. 15 days. http://www.almanac.com/content/first-day-summer-summer-solstice Though to be honest I can work around this wall problem for now (by creating custom physics barriers in Max) and making less steep hills. My larger concern is if a dozen or more character controllers drastically slows down the game as that's what I'll be trying to implement soon.
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