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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Sweet. Is this still a current estimate? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7958-navigation-without-physics/#entry63081
  2. I created a wall using terrain. However, my character (using a character controller) goes straight up it instead of bumping into it. Is there something I could be doing wrong or could this be a bug? player = Model::Load("Models/Mage/mage.mdl"); player->SetScale(0.02, 0.02, 0.02); player->SetMass(1); player->SetPhysicsMode(Entity::CharacterPhysics); player->SetShadowMode(1); float move = (window->KeyDown(Key::Up)-window->KeyDown(Key::Down))*8; float strafe = (window->KeyDown(Key::Right)-window->KeyDown(Key::Left))*8; player->SetInput(0, move, strafe);
  3. I figured it out. Feel free to delete this.
  4. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9430-oak-tree-from-le-2/
  5. You're right. Odd. I would have sworn it didn't generate for me before.
  6. On the other side of that coin, when I was creating the Steam examples, I couldn't use the following code Font* font = Font::Load("Fonts/Arial.ttf",36); context->SetFont(font); because Fonts/Arial.ttf isn't part of a new project. As such, examples for functions like DrawText and SetFont in the documentation (which include those lines) will naturally fail. That said, I've also suggested before that projects need a way to be cleansed and kept clean of unrequested assets.
  7. You need to own the Steam version. Supposedly the workshop will be made public for it "very soon."
  8. Ok, confirmed. It needs to be imported as 1 channel, 16 Bits and the Byte Order needs to be IBM PC (not Mac). Thanks Josh!
  9. It simply makes the camera move while you have no buttons held down. Bringing up the right-click menu disrupts the keyboard input. Letting go of a movement button doesn't register when the menu's up. Very minor but I'm sure it's an unintended effect.
  10. I'm having trouble understanding how heightmaps work. I created a hill next to my 6 foot tall character, as shown below. I exported a RAW file (just raw, not r16) which was 131,072 bytes. I imported it into Photoshop with the settings below. And it loaded as shown on the right (I took only the "hill" portion and zoomed it in 1,000% to illustrate). Back in the LE2 days when I did this process it showed an image that had brighter pixels the higher the hill got. Here, I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Am I importing it incorrectly into Photoshop or is this just a different way of representing the heightmap? My goal is to draw heights in Photoshop.
  11. In the perspective view, hold down the S key to zoom back. While holding it down, right-click the mouse button. Let go of the S key. Right-click or left-click the mouse. Works with other keys as well.
  12. You can right click on a MDL file and click Generate Shape and create a PHY file that way. There may be other ways but that's the one I know of.
  13. Below are the two pages on Steam. http://store.steampowered.com/app/251810/ http://store.steampowered.com/app/287760/ As far as I know it's just C++ added.
  14. I hope there's an easier way but the only thing I can think of is creating your own texture on the fly http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/texture/texturecreate-r340 There's also SetShader but I don't know if that's helpful in any way http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/contextsetshader-r729
  15. As you become familiar with the Leadwerks commands these questions will answer themselves. Specifically, look over the Entity commands. In answer to your last question, it depends on the server connection and your own code. Raknet is tried and tested so it won't be the one to slow you down.
  16. Thanks. Curious why you don't think it's that useful any more. Because we have a lot of textures to use or shader effects?
  17. I think rotate and move commands in the model editor, below scale, would come in really handy. Rotate would rotate the model around its origin/anchor, whether that's at the bottom of the feet or middle of the model or wherever. Move would move the model relative to the origin/anchor.
  18. No worries. I'd love Josh's or someone else's input on how they interact.
  19. Not sure if you already saw this http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/texture-editor-r9 Though I do wonder how it interacts with the sharpen filter http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/41/entry-1214-leadwerks-gets-update-for-workflow-enhancements-new-features/ Do they counter each other or do different things?
  20. Yay!! Make it official by adding it to the documentation too and we're set.
  21. I didn't want this thread to keep popping up and I don't know how to close it so I'll remove the poll question. But the answers were as follows: What Version of Leadwerks Do You Use? I only use Leadwerks 3.1 (52 votes [72.22%]) I use 3.0 for Android, iOS or because I didn't upgrade (4 votes [5.56%]) Both 3.0 and 3.1 (3 votes [4.17%]) I still only use Leadwerks 2 (13 votes [18.06%])
  22. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9575-cant-create-a-new-empty-project/ Josh, this seems to be a common request. With the million things you have going on, any chance this could be moved up the priority list? A checkbox like [X] include example assets when creating a new project and updating would be really nice.
  23. Yup. Requested before too.
  24. Love the updates! The automatic FBX material generation especially was quite needed. Also, it would be great to be able to just drag the post-processing effects into the scene (I don't code in Lua) to add them to the scene. They don't even have to be visually represented - just added to the Asset list. As a bonus, you could rearrange their order in the Asset list to see how the effects look when ordered differently.
  25. Will effects like fog be made available outside of the workshop at some point, like on this site? I'd love to use them and have them be available for people using the standalone version.
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