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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1192-refocusing-on-the-pc/
  2. I'd swear this would be a different story if you promoted and sold it during the Linux and Steam campaigns.
  3. Physics is not something you should rely on working properly at this time http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9167-more-physics-fun/
  4. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8248-lighting-what-can-i-do-about-light-that-bleeds-through-walls/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9061-incorrect-lightning-shadowing/
  5. There was a post about this before. If you haven't already, please search the forums.
  6. Thanks Aggror but I'm not looking for a specific tutorial. I was making that statement just in general, for all tutorials.
  7. cassius there were several good suggestions in the two threads you created for this. Did you try them, especially the one Josh suggested about the speed at which you touch the ground? I'd rather tutorials be simple and clean instead of being cluttered with random code, becoming harder to understand.
  8. Try this http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/394-adrenaline-bump/
  9. This has been requested since LE2. Platformers are a very common genre and I really hope this can be implemented at one point. But I will warn you that as someone who's tried and failed using even Box2D to do this, there are more challenges involved than you'd guess. One of them is jittering down ramps. This was done with LE2 but I don't think it's changed since.
  10. What sucks is that from an outsider's perspective, mobile seemed pretty close to being "done." It was very functional and I could have even lived without the physics features. The pipeline was super smooth. More, I would have bet that if you didn't remove it from the store while the Linux and Steam users were coming in, you would have significantly increased sales, probably enough to support it further with minor improvements here and there (not to mention that Kickstarter funded at least $6k in favor of Android). But I guess that's all in the past.
  11. I don't know if Josh and Admin's message boxes are full but I get this error for each:
  12. I agree with a lot of your points but not this. Why would you try to make a game that could be impossible to finish due to bugs that won't be fixed?
  13. Yeah Rastar, that was some of my questions above. How do we choose one over the other without knowing how each one will work? Also, with some of 3.1 coming out Monday, what is the deadline for this notification?
  14. In addition to my above questions: will the Steam version always have the option to publish to a Steam-independent package? In other words, will your creations ever require Steam to run?
  15. It could also be argued that mobile wasn't pitched to the same extent Linux was but that's more a hunch than anything. I don't know the numbers.
  16. I think people will want to know how support and updates will work for each version. Will they be 100% indistinguishable? If one updates, will the other update the same day? When 3.2 comes out, will they both update at the same time? Do you need to create/update/compile them separately? Is there any risk of the standalone being discontinued like Android/iOS was because you'll be doing more work with Steam?
  17. This is a messy issue that I imagine Josh isn't comfortable with. He sold people like me Android and iOS packages only a year ago. I know it's difficult on his end because sales didn't meet his projections but at the time he continued to go forward with it (to finish it and fix bugs) instead of offering refunds. It seems a little late now to just drop it. I know I personally bought a Nexus in large part for this and of course I spent hours figuring things out and trying prototypes. So I don't know what to say, really. I think Android and iOS users should be entitled to a credit at least if Josh would like to wash his hands of mobile.
  18. Leadwerks 2 Items seem to be here now http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/category/39-leadwerks-2-items/
  19. Hoodwink http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92904177 There was also Last Chapter (free) but I don't think you can download it since it was for LE2
  20. Between this and the email, you should be set hopefully soon but you can also try to PM him. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/user/1-josh-/
  21. Do you have the private beta version of Leadwerks? I imagine it wouldn't work without that.
  22. If it was only that easy. The answer is: depends. It's a new set of vertices, new number of faces, new look via textures... You could make a handsome man into an unrecognizable zombie and no one would know one was based off the other. Or likely care. I think the legal quesiton is "is it different enough?"
  23. Thanks YouGroove. I don't use Lua but I understand the concept. I very may make an attempt to use a flat world and see how applying forces to the ball based on tilt input feels. Military, I think the difference with ragdolls is that you only have 2 or so joints max attached to each entity/model. Here I have to attach dozens to the floor to make walls and I guess that's too much for Leadwerks or the physics engine.
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