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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Simple question: why does a ball not fall when set up like this? ballmodel=Model::Load("Models/ball.mdl"); shape=Shape::Load("Models/ball.phy"); ballmodel->SetShape(shape); ballmodel->SetPosition(0,3,0); ballmodel->SetMass(1); ballmodel->SetCollisionType(1); If I get rid of the two shape lines it does fall (but then it also falls through my floor). I've tried generating the shape as both Convex Hull and Polymesh. By the way, why use one instead of the other?
  2. My thought would be to use GetVelocity and apply an opposite force but there may be a better way.
  3. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/509-le3-project-cleaner-with-source/ Like I said, very simple. As the other folders weren't heavy, I decided to stick with models, sounds and materials only. Exported zip files go from 166MB to 7MB.
  4. Thanks Rick. I'm keeping this very simple (only a few lines of code). User would need to copy the exe and a txt file into their specific project folder and run from there. Your log file thought is very helpful. I'll compare my list to what Leadwerks generated there and eliminate duplicates. Though on second thought... doesn't Leadwerks load things on the fly? Like if you create a terrain? Will need to test... Also, what are .meta files? For example, how does bfn.tex relate to bfn.tex.meta? (Removing the .meta file seemed to cause no loading errors...)
  5. I'm making a simple project cleaner which removes all files not used by the editor: crawler, other models, materials, etc. to minimize the size of exported projects. Is there any way to tell what the editor is dependent on? Below is the almost complete list of files in a new 3.1 project. Thanks.
  6. What type of setting? Medieval, fantasy, space, modern?
  7. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6488-le2problem-with-falling-character/
  8. You mean something like this? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7958-navigation-without-physics/
  9. It doesn't. You heard right that many people here favor Raknet and do multiplayer themselves, as it's pretty straightforward once you understand how it works. There was talk of Leadwerks doing this eventually but I doubt it will happen this year.
  10. The Kickstarter reference was for Blender integration, which was funded as a stretch goal. Good luck with the problem in any case.
  11. Sure you can. Leadwerks doesn't claim to support PlayClaw so it's not a bug with Leadwerks. Yes, he might be able to make changes so that it ends up working with it but he has a long list of better things to do, in my opinion, than supporting other random software. Including supporting software that Kickstarter funded.
  12. I disagree. All the previous tournaments proved was that the community was too small for it at the time. With Linux and Steam users, I don't think that's the case any more. Look at wildly popular tournaments like Ludum Dare. What makes each Ludum Dare competition different and interesting is its theme. But like I said, you can offer a choice from multiple themes if you want to be more flexible.
  13. I wouldn't consider this a bug. It's not Leadwerks's responsibility to be compatible with every program out there. That said, people have had success with Fraps and Camtasia.
  14. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7649-windowed-programs-are-incorrect-size/
  15. I have a feeling some of the prizes will be free copies of Leadwerks. But the people that weekend will be learning how to use the engine and probably won't be submitting much... though I hope I'm wrong. As for themes and rules, I suggest being either flexible or giving users choices. Like a random genre generator that generates 3 genres and you can pick 1 from there to use.
  16. Interesting. Thanks for posting the solution.
  17. Ha ha, not at all. It happens. Good to have simple problems to solve sometimes.
  18. It seems like you might have the strength of the brush too high.
  19. You mean other than this? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/468-water-prefab-for-leadwerks-31-steam-ed/
  20. I don't see it being available any more (or maybe it was moved) but this will give you an idea about the editor: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/introduction-to-leadwerks-editor-r53
  21. If you're talking about Steam, aren't you able to launch Leadwerks without being online?
  22. I thought the current navmesh already handled dynamic obstacles.
  23. Probably neither, if Shirk is correct. If lighting truly only updates during physics events, that needs to change to include animated models.
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