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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Well that's one of the two master shader/effects guys on these forums so he was probably playing with something that's not out yet. But that's just an educated guess.
  2. I can't wait for Leadwerks to do this automatically!!
  3. Josh, give these people what they want.
  4. Try editing the configuration file: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8340-exception-access-violation-again/page__st__20#entry66096
  5. I haven't used it but might be worth looking into... http://www.appgamekit.com/documentation/Reference/Sound.htm
  6. Check the documentation here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/
  7. Yes!! This would also significantly shorten the model import pipeline if materials could be generated and applied immediately, automatically. No more finding the textures and copying them over yourself. No more converting each one to a material. No more opening the model viewer for each model and dragging the materials to the right places on the model. It would be VERY VALUABLE to drag a model into the editor and have it immediately look exactly the same as it did in the 3D modeling program (to a reasonable extent).
  8. I've been asking for this for quite some time. At a minimum, adjustable effect amount would be useful.
  9. Did they activate their invisibility shields?
  10. The jitter when walking down ramps would be nice to be fixed too, preferably with an angle given by user.
  11. That sounds like a decent solution except if your water is animated, you would probably see it animate from a distance as well. But the skybox wouldn't move so the edge could probably still be made out. Not sure how obvious it would be.
  12. There's gotta be more to it than that. Doesn't it consider the triangles around it and adjust vertices accordingly (to make a rounder sphere, for example)?
  13. Josh made it sound like LODs will be needed for large outdoor scenes. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8438-level-of-detail-support/#entry65749 I guess tessellation doesn't work on trees and grass.
  14. You can also load and save it in Photoshop and probably other programs.
  15. You can also use distances or a grid-based system. Not sure which is cheapest and best.
  16. Ah, sorry; I didn't see that the function didn't have a Lua option. I don't know an alternative. And yeah, seems like a lot of people are looking forward to C++. Josh has been regularly working on the Linux release but there's no ETA on it or the Windows version.
  17. There was only a timed trial for 3.0 and no free versions of any kind, if that's what you mean.
  18. I think this can help with that... http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/texture/texturesetpixels-r338
  19. I'm not sure exactly what you're going for but if I wanted different skin tones and such I would use SetColor http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/material/materialsetcolor-r245 I get though that this is very dependent on the texture being set up correctly earlier.
  20. Your project seems to be coming along really well YouGroove. Very cool.
  21. I admit to not knowing enough about this but it seems like LE2 had great performance and ok lighting quality. I kind of wish we had the same thing but with the quality improved (especially the shadows), as today's hardware could handle it. But I don't know the pros and cons... Though it seems maybe one day Josh could go in and do some serious optimization on lighting/shadows and also physics/navigation.
  22. Yeah, in theory it should be no problem to edit it out. If you want to either upload it to the forum or PM me with it, I can give it a shot for you.
  23. I think he meant to reply in this thread http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8590-sky-box/
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