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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Good thought. I would also mention to first check the existing tutorials here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/
  2. You may be right on the specifics in this vendor's case. Then there are dozens of others with various other wordings. Short story: you need to make a "reasonable effort" to protect your assets from piracy and the standard way to do that is through password-protected archives.
  3. Michael Betke and others who sell their products require that their assets be password protected so this is very needed for anyone to release even demos. Not that we have 100 people eager to release tomorrow but just stating the obvious.
  4. He's not a developer so he can't. I did the same with mine and I agree. The other issue was the controller bouncing down ramps. I posted about it two years ago and I don't believe Leadwerks has a solution to it yet. Even seeing the 3D Steam demo with the ramps, walk down the middle ramp backwards and you'll see that you're bouncing down the ramp instead of smoothly walking down. I get that the physics may be "right" but it looks and feels wrong.
  5. Ah yes, Aggror's right.
  6. You can try SetPosition to manually set Y back to 0 or put an invisible "ceiling" above. But I really would love to see 2D locked properly by an official physics command. So many people try to do various 2D games with 3D models.
  7. 3DS Max does this and it's pretty handy, especially when you spent some time selecting multiple triangles or edges or such.
  8. While I don't get motion sick from games, my friend does. If you include it, consider having the option to turn it off in the menu. That said, it does make it more realistic if not exaggerated.
  9. Go to Documentation at the top, Command Reference, then Context, then DrawText
  10. Open Editor (make sure you have a new project but it may happen with existing projects) Create Terrain 2048x2048 or 4096x4096 Create camera Game -> Run Crashes Doesn't crash with smaller terrains. Output Just tested and also happens if you put a large terrain into the Introduction map... and probably the others.
  11. It could be an ad but it's only on some of our wiki's pages and none of other wikidot wikis. I do have Adblock Plus installed so who knows.
  12. Multiple pages. The main page has it at the bottom but easier to see on a page like this: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:startin-c Screenshot: http://i40.tinypic.com/30ku539.jpg
  13. Did the wiki get its first spam? Looks like several pages have links to a torrent site. But how is that possible?
  14. Ha, that definitely makes more sense. Glad you found that.
  15. Rick covered it but I wanted to add that it makes multiplayer games very easy to join. I'm hoping that in the near future Leadwerks will handle Steam-style matching and multiplayer (through friends lists and invites).
  16. Nice. I do that in my code too but only because I set transparencies so I guess that automatically took care of that potential problem. Do you have to do it every frame or just once before you enter the loop? I'm also curious about what GetColor returns without it but not a big deal. SetColor probably does something undocumented in the function that properly sets blend.
  17. It looks like either blend isn't set properly or that the image draws over itself so much that the blend negates and everything is just full white. Try putting Context::GetCurrent()->Clear(); before drawing the image to see what happens.
  18. At this point we're just guessing. Josh, could you please clarify: Will there continue to be regular bug fixes and/or updates for 3.0 in 2013? If not, when do you expect to release the final build?
  19. Also, make sure you install Leadwerks to the default directory (C:\Leadwerks) to avoid headaches in the future. Some things like Android development don't work property without that. Josh, please add this to the Getting Started page...
  20. There was nothing announced about support for 3.0 being discontinued that I saw. And considering that 3.1 only adds new features, I don't see why fixes for 3.1 wouldn't also fix 3.0.
  21. I remember Aggror's pathfinding tutorial had at least one workaround to make the navmesh behave. It's pretty sensitive to tighter areas. And from your image, it could use some optimization too.
  22. This might be a good place for requests as well. Effective Indoor and Outdoor Environment Settings Light settings to make your scenes pop and where and how to use appropriate material types and shaders. Speed Optimizations Workarounds and other ways to optimize the speed of your game. It seems we have a lot of theads like this around and it would be nice to centralize them around this topic.
  23. You make some valid points Rick and I admit that I don't have a good answer. I imagine Josh thought this through and his projections of renewals and new customers versus various pricing options makes this the optimal path. I sincerely hope he's right.
  24. So Rick, you're saying that a week ago Josh should have been charging $99 for 3.0 because of the deteriation of value?
  25. gamecreator


    I think that would be a great place to put code snippets.
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