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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Thank you. It looks like the touch detection is fixed but position issue isn't yet.
  2. Touch controls on Android should help movement a lot to get angles that aren't strictly at 45 dgrees, whether by clicing around the penguin or on a circle to determine movement angle.
  3. Have you tried using this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/356-masterxilos-gmf2obj-converter/
  4. I believe this should help http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/pathfinding-r43
  5. Wait, if you buy LE3 you get LE2 for free?
  6. I'm not clear on what you're looking for but LE2 is no longer available for sale.
  7. While we're at this, it would be really nice to have imported models be mapped right from the start. It takes so many more steps to import textures separately, convert them to materials and apply them them manually... The FBX should have all the proper texture/mapping and material information in it, right?
  8. I think that's actually just the default Leadwerks lighting settings.
  9. Thank you for spending time trying to fix this. As the lack of this feature breaks the most basic mechanic - running and jumping or moving/turning and attacking/shooting - I hope this will eventually be fixed, for most Android customers' sake.
  10. There was a time a year or two back when the site was lost and the backup failed. It may have something to do with that. I'm a Leadwerks 2 owner as well and my client area only shows Leadwerks 3.
  11. Whoa. That's a lot of options. I hope that makes a ton more sense to you than it does to me. In any case, thank you for looking into it.
  12. If this is true, I'd report it as a bug. As an example, I believe the crawler model had almost 200 frames and it had only stand, walk & run animations.
  13. There once was but the offer is no longer valid.
  14. Happy to look at it for you but I don't see any attachments.
  15. There are definitely paid programs out there that do this for you. There are probably free ones too.
  16. I would start by looking at shadmar's tree and copying and experimenting with his settings.
  17. If you log out and look around you'll see all the documentation and tutorials are available. Only some of the forums are not. Even in the past, the LE2 wiki was available to everyone. There was an exception: some of the PDFs and videos were locked but I believe even that restriction was lifted at the end.
  18. Someone can better answer this but even if there are limits on the world size, I believe you can create multiple worlds. Documentation is here. There was also this blog post on multithreading 2 years ago but I don't know how accurate it is now.
  19. The wiki is nice and all good engines provide one but it's far from the highest priority, especially since the community can make one itself. I'd personally much rather have 3.1 and networking.
  20. The old LE2 wiki is here: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page For Leadwerks 3, considering Josh never mentioned creating one and he shut down the old LE2 one at one point due to spam (and it took months to get back up), I'm 99% sure he'd prefer one he didn't have to moderate. I would prefer the same considering he has plenty of other, more important things on his plate.
  21. Thanks. As you said, I tested this again in my other thread and it works. Sorry guys. My Android app definitely crashed before but I have no idea why now. I was sure at the time it was just because of adding sqrt (I didn't need to add any headers and it compiled fine on Express).
  22. I just tested this and was about to post when you did. Adding srand((int)Time::Millisecs()); just before rnum=Math::Random(); will indeed seed it. Very nice to see this. I also stand corrected on my other thread. I tested if(window->TouchDown(0)) rnum=sqrt(4.0); on Android and now it worked.
  23. 1. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7088-roadmap-or-eta-on-things-to-come/#entry57953
  24. Until Josh or someone else presents a solution, I think a weird workaround will be to do something like this: for(int i=0; i<((int)Time::Millisecs())%10000; i++) Math::Random(); That will run Random a "random" amount of times, if my code is right (would probably need to check for negative numbers and probably use Math::Mod instead of %). That or I may have to try and brave learning Lua but I'd hate to spend the time and have it be an additional factor of things potentially breaking, just to seed Random. Josh?
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