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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Edit: I think I just found the problem. When you go to the Documentation page the Category in the search bar is blank. If you set it to Documentation first, it looks like it works. This should probably be the default but it's an easy fix.
  2. There should be documentation for this.
  3. I'd strongly suggest using Max or Blender or the like. While Leadwerks does some incredible things, it's not a modeling program (nor should it be).
  4. Have you tried Aggror's GUI or making your own?
  5. The speed of the generation maybe? If it takes a minute or even several seconds to generate, I wouldn't want it to calculate every time I moved an entity an inch.
  6. Andy, I strongly suggest including your project so that Josh can take a look.
  7. You can use a skydome like here. If you want just a single, static texture then I'm not sure how that would be done.
  8. Photoshop uses those two keys by default as well. Maybe those two keys would increase and decrease BOTH radii proportionally!
  9. One thought is to use existing images like the below as masks: http://aefreemart.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/watercolor_mask.jpg
  10. If you want to get fancy, show only the terrain lines directly below the object being moved.
  11. This would actually be very handy to use hand-in-hand with Flexman's layer mask suggestion, here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7506-terrain-set-a-layer-to-use-as-an-active-mask/
  12. Thanks Aggror and Rick for running this and congrats to Daimour for 1st place but also to everyone for fun entries! I wonder if doing a 3 week contest for the third tournament would be a good idea, considering that 2 weeks still seemed kind of tight for most.
  13. He'd like to set an image as a mask so that terrain/road/river brushes don't draw outside of it.
  14. Ha, I can't blame you for being eager to get this to everyone.
  15. He's a Developer on these forums so he purchased something. Not sure if it tracks which product internally. But I believe Josh has a database of emails so he just needs to email Josh from that email address.
  16. Welcome back. I believe you should be able to get it using the Updater, here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/186-leadwerks-engine-updater/
  17. Good catch but I'm curious: considering that no pages link to those, how did you find them?
  18. It all starts with a basic concept which is then fleshed out: Dig Dug - move underground by digging through dirt Donkey Kong - rescue the princess by ascending a structure Centipede - shoot at an enemy as it slowly approches you Defender - fly a spaceship over a planet shooting enemies Missile Command - shoot down approaching missiles Galaga - shoot enemies which move in patterns As you can tell, the basic gameplay is all based on relatable concepts which have been seen before. What makes these games special are the additional elements: Dig Dug - enemies take time to kill (by being inflated) and can float through walls. You could argue that the digging concept was brand new, which may be right. Donkey Kong - barrels roll along your path and randomly use shortcuts you can take (ladders) and also come from behind you Centipede - enemy movement pattern changes based on environment, which is randomly and dynamically created Defender - defend civilians in addition to attacking enemies, advanced effects for its time Missile Command - you have advanced control over your projectiles and damage is dealt indirectly, forcing you to think ahead Galaga (is actually a successor to Galaxian) - clever/fun enemy patterns, ability to snatch player If you are curious about new and experimental gameplay, look into Jonathan Blow's prototypes. He also has some nice YouTube talk videos you should check out, like .
  19. There should be an option in Fraps to change that but it looks great anyway.
  20. Very very nice! I noticed that it hovers around 29FPS. What video card are you running that with?
  21. Been a while Daimour. Good time to return.
  22. Very impressive! Did you use libraries other than Recast to accomplish this?
  23. YouGroove, keep in mind that while you can throw a torch in your game and call it a day, you're competing against other people. If someone throws two torches into their game then they've obviously outdone you and have a better chance to win the prize. So make a sincere effort to represent the theme if you want to win. Rick... interesting tease.
  24. Seems like you'd be able to set it via code, maybe with this function: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/graphicsdriver/graphicsdriversetcurrent-r741
  25. I believe the time functions should help you http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/time/
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