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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Not only aware - an owner. And they're great, high quality models. I haven't thought too much in depth about how to best make cliffs. Borderlands seems to do it how Michael says. Dishonored seems to have individual models for cliffs, like so:
  2. Luckily this is one thing where there are plenty of examples to reference, mostly at the beginning of popular video games. Here's Nvidia's: and ATI's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmUeP8u4XkI Note that these are the long versions of their animations. You would want to keep your in-game one shorter, as they do.
  3. I would love to but I code horribly slow and I already have a few projects on my plate, including trying to flesh out the previous competition's entry.
  4. I don't know of such a format but considering that the animation looks like it's 8 frames, it wouldn't be too hard to make RIMFROST one DDS file and the software animation simply 8 other ones and display them as an animation yourself.
  5. Exactly. If the performance is supposed to be better than LE2, there's obviously something wrong, very likely more than just the increased iterations.
  6. Ooooh. That's pretty nice. I like the texture better than the rock you posted above - it has more variety and looks more "natural." The breaks and cracks look pretty sweet too. I'm jealous that you can crank stuff like this out.
  7. If you're doing the full model (not just the front) then it seems like it should be somewhere between 2k to 6k, depending on how much detail you add. I like the ones that aren't just flat walls - they have some character to them. But please don't create it just on my account; it's just something I've been looking for for a little while and I'm surprised there isn't more demand for it considering it's a prominent model in most games.
  8. Hi Chris. Great job on these and thank you for sharing them for free! My personal suggestion/request would be rocky/granite cliffs. I've seen some on Turbosquid but they tend to be kind of pricey. I especially like these: http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-model-rocky-formation-stone-rock/570793 http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/rocky-cliffs-rock-3d-model/675685 http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3ds-cliff/701409 http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3ds-cliff-format/652401 http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-rocky-cliffs-model/707543 If somehow you could make a larger pack that is modular and of similar quality as the above, I would buy it (for a reasonable price, of course). Thanks!
  9. A big congratulations to the Linux and Leadwerks communities and to you and your company Josh!
  10. That's what I figured. Thanks Andy. Good idea too, Rick.
  11. True but it seemed there was some compensation code that put you back if you were pushed only a little along the z axis. At work now so maybe I misremember.
  12. Hey beo6. I just finally played this and it's a great start so far. I agree that the textures could be more distinct. I would also suggest maybe having the camera out further at times as sometimes I died to things I didn't see coming. Then again, maybe I just went too fast.
  13. Hey, very nice. I like the mechanics you put in like the pushable walls and the flowing air. How did you do the physics, especially keeping the ball and movable walls on the 2D axis?
  14. I'm not sure if this happens to anyone else but when the Leadwerks installer asks me to specify an install path, if I press any button (including Delete and Backspace) it automatically adds the install sub-folder one more time to the path. By erasing everything and typing in just "D:\Games" I get the following: It happens from the installer on this page http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7331-high-roller-unfinished/ and also from here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6908-rolling-game-demo/
  15. I know Ivar used Raknet for his Ravage Online game. I believe Rick swears by it too. I've tried it and it's very easy to use once you wrap your head around how it works.
  16. My vote doesn't really count since I haven't really worked with it but from what I've been seeing on the forums, the physics could really be optimized and more feature-filled.
  17. Impressive. I wonder if you're keeping rivers in mind during this process...
  18. I would also suggest a poll during the announcement to ask what 2-week period would work for people, and give 2 or 3 choices (too many and everyone will pick a different one).
  19. I finished Rick's game and the first level of Jorn's. Both are fun and quite playable (though brief, of course). Congrats guys!
  20. Mostly my fault as I didn't give myself enough time over the weekend. Got a lot done but not enough to be playable. Still motivated to continue though as the concept developed into what I think would be a fun platformer/puzzle game. Here's a quick screenshot of where it stands now (literally, as the guy doesn't move yet, ha ha).
  21. I'm not sure exactly what you need or if this helps but something to consider: http://www.makehuman.org/doc/node/face_shapes_and_drivers.html http://www.makehuman.org/content/features.html
  22. This is why the biggest factor of my design is simplicity; I'm using a very limited number of models with basic textures and I may even "palette swap" (via textures).
  23. I assume there isn't because the survey was asking about it.
  24. Let the developer bias begin: Platformer: YouGroove Fancy schmancy models: Rick Amateur, barely started game: gamecreator
  25. Exactly. 1 week is generous compared to most competitions, which usually span a weekend or even just 24 hours.
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