I don't know Lua but it looks like you might sometimes trigger more than one PlayAnimation function per frame. Meaning, if you hold down both the W and D keys, the first if statement will be true and it will trigger that PlayAnimation AND the next if statement will also be true and will trigger its respective PlayAnimation. So I think you'd be blending two animations together. Look into using elseif statements. Something like this (again, I don't know Lua but this seems like it could work):
if KeyDown(Key.W) and KeyDown(Key.D) then
elseif KeyDown(Key.W) and KeyDown(Key.A) then
elseif KeyDown(Key.W)
As for posting, if you have several questions at once, you probably want to use a single post for it. If it's two or three that are unrelated topics, you may want to split them up. But I'm not the Leadwerks police; that's just my preference. Ideally you also search the forums first and you might find something that already covers your question and you can just continue the conversation in that thread. That will help for anyone searching the forums for the same issue so they don't have to open 10 different threads to find their answer.