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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I'm only now finally learning LE3 but can't hurt to use this as an excuse to learn it faster. I'm in.
  2. That's awesome and all but we're not all blessed with graphics cards that were released yesterday.
  3. I figured something along those lines. The only thing I could suggest is mentioning that here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/getting-started/ Something like: Due to Android restritictions, it is highly advisable to keep the installation path as C:\Leadwerks. This ensures that your projects compile and publish without errors.
  4. Thank you everyone! Your suggestions worked. Got the demo compiled and running.
  5. So I get it from here and below is the file properties. I don't know where you're talking about that has the other download. Could you please clarify?
  6. I think we're talking about the same thing. Clicking on Client Area, Purchases takes me to the same area as Josh's link: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=nexus&module=clients&section=purchases
  7. Thank you both. I got this from my purchase area that Josh linked to here. Where's the better place with the newer installer? Edit: the Details tab in Properties for LeadwerksUpdater.exe says it was modified 3/1/2013. That sounds like I have the old version in my client area.
  8. Is there a thread on how to go over the hurdles of installing Leadwerks 3? 1. You can't just click on the play button to run Darkness Awaits. I found you have to compile it elsewhere. 2. Then it can't find Leadwerks.h. 3. Then, after you fix that, it can't find ../../Leadwerks.h. So where's the real Getting Started info that covers all of these? Also, it seems to me that the trial set up the environment for you. What happened to that? Is there a conflict because I had the trial installed before?
  9. It's definitely possible but Leadwerks doesn't have the full physics control needed to make it ideal. Aily made an incredible platformer (here) but had to limit his scope. I'm trying to use Box2D for mine but you have to do workarounds for it too.
  10. Seems quite impressive. And yes, Josh definitely knows his sh*t.
  11. Are you referring to my link or something else?
  12. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/322-realtime-texture-paint/ Great thought but I was hoping for something where there's a third texture that blends the two together but doesn't alter the originals. A lot like how the terrain works but for models.
  13. Hi all, I just looked through Alex's Leadwerks Tools for 3dsMax v2.3 and didn't see this there. Is there a way to export to GMF a model that's mapped with two or more blended textures? This is for the purpose of creating various size platforms, a little like the below, where there is a dirt texture on the bottom that transitions into grass texture on top. Thanks!
  14. And we get to be broken records congratulating you for the continuous successes.
  15. I think he's asking for the old discount.
  16. In addition to TPF (the Pancake factor), it also depends on what 3.1 will include. Considering the list of possible additions shown before, I assume it won't be just the renderer. Can you share what you're planning on including in 3.1 before Christmas, Josh?
  17. Being able to set them directly would be great.
  18. Wow, this guy has some really nice free stuff!
  19. Sorry, I meant a special URL you posted that I think you could just send via Steam IM so that they don't have to log in on the site.
  20. Didn't know that. Seems silly but whatever. Do you still have that link that I can share with friends who are already on Steam? I couldn't find it in your post history.
  21. Josh has said before (and I hope he still means it) that Leadwerks 3 will be the last Leadwerks for the foreseeable future. Meaning he doesn't plan on ever starting a new one and that Leadwerks 3 was designed to be build upon.
  22. I'm fine with buying things as individual components as long as you get a discount if you buy everything - as I want it all. Modern graphics, terrain, ocean/lake/river, networking, advanced physics, GUI, sky, weather, roads... The question is: how much should that cost. If you're only interested in PC development, the engine costs $199. Would it be fair to consider all these the second half of the engine and charge another $199 for them?
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