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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. What OpenGL renderer versions will Leadwerks 3.1 support besides 4? And will you be able to turn them on/off or will the engine detect and adjust accordingly?
  2. Maybe I'm just being hopeful but didn't Josh say he's trying to figure out a way to make the upgrades free because people didn't want to pay?
  3. Sweet! By coincidence, just last week I was looking at it wondering about how it exports or how you can convert the models. There are some decent models available for it. Thanks.
  4. That's awesome. How is the Greenlight campaign going?
  5. gamecreator

    LCP 2.0

    Good idea and thoughts. While I have no interest in reworking the first LCP, I enjoyed working on it and learned a lot.
  6. Frankly, I'd rather Josh spend time on the improvements first: graphics, terrain, automatic networking, lake/ocean/river - in that order. But I admit my vote doesn't count for much considering I code very part time.
  7. Like importing templates? That would be nice. Would be even cooler to have any one of the examples be imported automatically to start from.
  8. Sounds like you're using crappy ones. In Express you can take (or not take) suggestions at any time easily.
  9. I guess we agree that it's better without one, for one reason or another.
  10. There was a roadmap once but some people couldn't handle deviations from it well.
  11. Trying to get 2D / 2.5D platforming physics to work with object interaction (player able to push boxes/enemies/etc.).
  12. I'm trying to use Box2D to make a 2D platformer but it has its own issues and you have to keep "hacking" it to do what you want. I've yet to find a solid physics solution which includes full control over character controllers.
  13. As mentioned elsewhere, please try to implement control over how powerful a shader is, if possible. I don't know what the function would look like but I'm thinking something like SetBloom(0.5f) to activate bloom at half strength, SetBloom(2.0f) for double strength, etc. It would be great to have control over at least the strength of the effect.
  14. It was part of the original plans and I suspect it still is.
  15. Awesome!! And please, please, please make it so you can control the amount, i.e.: SetBloom(0.5); For example, the bloom in the above picture is a bit too strong but you may be emphasizing it for effect.
  16. It's important to make it clear that Leadwerks 3 isn't complete with all of the intended features and that bugs are being worked out.
  17. I think this came up in another thread but I forget how it was resolved. The simplest may be just to check the Y velocity (I believe). If it's 0 (or close) and last frame it was a large negative, kill or injure the player accordingly.
  18. Fun for a simple game. Have yet to beat shadmar for score.
  19. It would be great to have the asset store be incorporated into Leadwerks 3.
  20. Wiki says it's "nearly exactly 16:9." Sucks but I think you'll need to take "close enough" into consideration. What a pain. (I don't know what resolution the phone would return but I suspect it will be 640.)
  21. To clarify, people are still free to ask and answer LE2 questions and upload LE2 assets and such. Josh even said the LE2 documentation will remain available.
  22. I haven't tried it yet but does the engine keep a log like in 2?
  23. I'm shooting more for Dishonored... but they have their similiarites (rooftop hopping among them).
  24. Running around on rooftops ... which made me realize that I have to redo my PHY files because I kept falling through the roof edges
  25. I believe terrain can be imported as a model. See below for two examples: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/409-le3-snowy-terrain-rgb2texture-splat-shader/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/408-le3-grassy-terrain-rgb2texture-splat-shader/
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