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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. You may already do these but just in case: Export mesh only, not bones Make sure no more than 4 bones affect any vertex Models can't have isolated vertices
  2. Josh wouldn't shut out his existing customers. Imagine if someone bought LE2 today. How could the documentation and support suddenly go away?
  3. Not for me. Where are you uploading the image to? Maybe try http://tinypic.com/?
  4. What "more features" are you looking for, specifically?
  5. See here. Maybe the demo wasn't updated? Or it could be a different problem.
  6. gamecreator

    Solo Warrior

    Or at least any detail on type of game, complexity you're attempting, etc. Also, will you be starting a new blog for this like you had for GvB?
  7. I suggest using Google first for these general (non-Leadwerks specific) problems. I found this as one of the results, which seems helpful: http://area.autodesk...-matrix-support
  8. I would love to see automatic 2D proportion adjusting in Leadwerks. Something like: Adjust2D(1920,1080,GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight()); Then you could draw using the resolution you're designing the game for and it would adjust to whatever the resolution ends up being. It could handle the text properly this way. Not sure how images would be handled. Ideally you could give the engine several sizes and it could pick the closest one to use but maybe there's a better solution.
  9. If you need to know what's possible with Leadwerks, the videos and games here more than answer your question. Check out Furious Frank and The Last Chapter especially.
  10. Whoa. I unintentionally matched it up with THE DREAM.
  11. Josh says the boxed versions are shipping in March. Let's assume they're shipping the week of the 25th. So my guess would be for the digital version to be out the week before.
  12. Have you tried obj2gmf in the Tools folder? If so, what happens with that? Also, what modeling program do you use?
  13. It would be great for Leadwerks 3 to do this just in general. Some engines/libraries let you set an FPS and you don't have to worry about adjusting every variable. I don't know how they do it but it is oh-so-very convenient.
  14. The clouds look like a Photoshop filter was used on them but otherwise it looks nice.
  15. Then again, who's to say he's not and he just missed both emails?
  16. I can understand that. I guess it would be a bit complicated to explain why 2 has some features 3 doesn't.
  17. Networking, terrain and ocean to be added at a later date. I'm not sure if pathfinding will be part of initial release either.
  18. You really should put this up on a big red banner on every page of this site. Maybe spread it to other sites as well. Also, do I remember right that LE2 will no longer be sold after LE3's release? I understand it from a support standpoint but otherwise, why not still sell it (or maybe that's enough)? You don't have to give the discount any more after a certain date...
  19. The wiki was spammed and I don't believe logins are supported any more. There used to be a link to the wiki on this site's header but even that was removed, in favor of the Documention section.
  20. I think Mika was joking and you guys are running with it.
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