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  1. HI there again. Thankyou all for your fast and well explained replies. I will download the evaluation kit and see how I feel with the engine. I´m actually a user of 3DGS Commercial Edition, and, altought its easy to work with, the engine is slow when thinking about racing games, and I have several problems with illumination and huge levels. I also already worked with XNA, Irrlicht and Ogre, with more or less success, but I dont feel like I found what i´m looking for. A last question, is : Compared, for examplo, with Ogre, what are the basic differences when compared with Leadwerks ? What are the advantages of work with Leadwerks ? Thankyou all again, Cheers, Carlos.
  2. Hi there. I was looking into posts and screenshots, and also the engine features, and like a lot what I saw. My main interest are racing games. Differently of other engines I saw around, what got my eyes attention was the beauty of some screenshots, obviusly results of nice art work, but also, because of the great quality of this engine, and its attractive pricing. I like realistic racing games, simulators. I would like to ask, and forgive me if this is somewhere else in the forums, how would experienced users classify Leadwerks engine when thinking about using it in racing games ? I´m interested in work in racing games, using Newton Physics AND multiplayer. Control the games using wheels, apart from keyboard and mouse will be a must. Is there, inside the engine download a Newton controlled car to experiment with ? Would the Engine + Newton be suitable to high speed cars that dont roll in excess at the turns ? Is it possible to deform the models in real time ? Well, to many questions in my mind... Anyway, any replys would be highly appreciated. BTW, I see that we have a very responsive forum. This is very nice. Cya, Carlos
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