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  1. klepto2 it makes sense, but how can i perform and calculate process time of post effects, before renderworld is finished?
  2. Josh I belive that MilliSecs() is a BlitzMax function, so I can not test it (I'm using VC++). klepto2 Nope, closing fraps didn't help.
  3. Metatron thank you for answer, but vsync was not "force on", it was "on unless specified". I changed it to "force off", but it didn't change anything. P.S. On screenshot fps is higher then 60, its 71.
  4. Ok. I think you will not understend me without any code, so i've simplified the programm, but problem still here. here is the code It's long, so under spoiler. Now the rendering time is around 3-4 millisecond, and flip time is around 9-10 milliseconds, a lot higher then the rendering time. What could be the problem? Screenshot:
  5. May be it's a little misunderstanding. I'm trying to find out why this particular bit of code takes 30 milliseconds of time. I call clock() function right before Flip(0), and than, right after Flip(0) i call clock() again. Difference between this two moments in time is 30 milliseconds. That means that Flip(0) function is slowing down the programm. Basically, programm looks like this int main( int argn, char* argv[] ){ // some initialization code while( !KeyHit() && !AppTerminate() ) // main loop start = clock(); //===================================== // A lot of rendering code //===================================== printf("rendering time: %d\n", clock()-start); // the result in output window is around 11-12 start = clock(); Flip(0); printf("flip time: %d\n", clock()-start); // the result in output window is around 29-30 } } So Flip(0) function takes more time then all the rendering code. How can it be? Why Flip(0) function takes so long to process? I have a guess, that Flip(0) is so slow, because of using a lot of different buffers of different size, can it be a problem? Does Flip(0) clear all the buffers when called or something like that?
  6. Hello everyone. I have a question about Flip function. In my programm the render time is about 11-12 milliseconds (i cannot show you the code), and the flip time is about 29-30 milliseconds. And by saying flip time i mean start = clock(); Flip(0) ; printf("flip: %d\n", clock()-start); And it takes 30 milliseconds. So the question is: how can it be? If it's important, i use a lot of buffers of different sizes. P.S. VC++, LE 2.4
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