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  1. Hello @ all, i try with Leadwerks and Purebasic - now i´ve got a little problem - maybe someone can help or have any ideas to fix. I have an application window and i want to put a smaller leadwerks engine window on it - with Leadwerks Graphic Command i think - there is no chance to define a parent window or? thx for any kind of ideas.
  2. Yes Man - your good in - sorry but i am not a programmer - i am a network technican and a little bit hobby programming learner. i tried playerpos\Y - but it want work - i defined Structure playerpos X.f Y.f Z.f EndStructure but it also don´t work. mmhm - think i am a little lost - because i don´t understand how to get 3 variables into one -> playerpos=LEEntityPosition(player,Vec3(VResult)) and then use them with LEPositionEntity(camera,playerpos,0) This want work: playerpos=LEEntityPosition(player,Vec3(VResult)) playerpos\y=playerpos\y+1.75 LEPositionEntity(camera,playerpos,0) my actual complete code - looks like: EnableExplicit XIncludeFile ("hw_engine.pbi") ;XIncludeFile ("hw_controlcam.pbi") ;XIncludeFile ("hw_screenrequester.pbi") Define VResult.TVec3 ;if an expression requires more than one vec3 then define VResult2.TVec3, VResult3TVec3, etc ... for each vec3 Define sx.i Define sy.i Define framework.i Define Lua.i Define Camera.i Define scene.i Define player.i Define font.i Define move.f Define strafe.f Define jump.f Define camrotation Define camrotation_x.f Define camrotation_y.f Define mouse_x.f Define mouse_y.f Define playerpos LERegisterAbstractPath(GetCurrentDirectory()) LESetAppTitle("Hiveworx Framework") sx = 1024 sy = 768 If LEGraphics(sx,sy)>0 framework = LECreateFramework() If framework>0 Lua = LEGetLuaState() LELua_pushobject(Lua, framework); LELua_setglobal(Lua, "fw"); LELua_pop(Lua, 1); Camera = LEGetLayerCamera(LEGetFrameworkLayer(0)) LEPositionEntity(camera, Vec3(VResult,0, 350,0)) scene = LELoadScene("abstract::test001.sbx") LEEntityType(scene,2,1) player = LECreateController(1.8,0.4,0.5,45,0) LEEntityType(player,1) LESetStats(2) font=LELoadFont("abstract::Arial12Shadow") LESetFont(font) move.f=0.0 strafe.f=0.0 jump.f=0.0 LEMoveMouse(LEGraphicsWidth()/2,LEGraphicsHeight()/2) LEHideMouse() XIncludeFile ("hw_grafikoptionen.pbi") While (LEKeyHit(#KEY_ESCAPE)=0) And (LEAppTerminate()=0) ;-Mouse Look mouse_x.f=Curve(LEMouseX()-LEGraphicsWidth()/2,mouse_x.f,6.0) mouse_y.f=Curve(LEMouseY()-LEGraphicsHeight()/2,mouse_y.f,6.0) LEMoveMouse(LEGraphicsWidth()/2,LEGraphicsHeight()/2) camrotation=LEEntityRotation(camera,Vec3(VResult, mouse_y.f, mouse_x.f, 0)) camrotation_x.f=camrotation_x.f-mouse_x/10 camrotation_y.f=camrotation_y.f+mouse_y/10 LERotateEntity(camera,Vec3(VResult, camrotation_y.f, camrotation_x.f, 0)) ;-Player movement move=LEKeyDown(#KEY_W)-LEKeyDown(#KEY_S) strafe=LEKeyDown(#KEY_D)-LEKeyDown(#KEY_A) ;-Set controller Input LEUpdateController(player,Vec3(VResult, camrotation_y.f, camrotation_x.f, 0),move,strafe,jump,0.5); ;- Position Camera playerpos=LEEntityPosition(player,Vec3(VResult)) ;playerpos\y=playerpos\y+1.75 LEPositionEntity(camera,playerpos,0) LEUpdateFramework() ;Update timing And world LERenderFramework() ;Render LESetBlend(1) LEDrawText("CamPosX: ",800,20) LEDrawText("CamPosY: ",800,40) LEDrawText("CamPosZ: ",800,60) LESetBlend(0) LEFlip(0) ;Send to screen Wend Else LEAppLog("ERROR: Failed to create Framework") EndIf LEFreeFramework(framework) Else LEAppLog("ERROR: Failed to create or set graphics mode") EndIf LEEndRender() CloseLibrary(#Engine_Library) i commented out playerpos\y=playerpos\y+1.75 because don´t know how to define the structure. Line LEPositionEntity(camera,playerpos,0) causes crashing the engine. grettings
  3. Thx for explaining me. I now renamed it to framework and all works fine. But now i got another Problem - if i include i the headgen with xinclude i mmust correct to set the leadwerks.pb variables global - otherwise it crashes. Mybay you can correct this in new headgen version. try use enableexplecit command in PB. 2nd: i got a litte problem 2 handle vec3 results. My code: While (LEKeyHit(#KEY_ESCAPE)=0) And (LEAppTerminate()=0) ;-Mouse Look mouse_x.f=Curve(LEMouseX()-LEGraphicsWidth()/2,mouse_x.f,6.0) mouse_y.f=Curve(LEMouseY()-LEGraphicsHeight()/2,mouse_y.f,6.0) LEMoveMouse(LEGraphicsWidth()/2,LEGraphicsHeight()/2) camrotation=LEEntityRotation(camera,Vec3(VResult, mouse_y.f, mouse_x.f, 0)) camrotationx.f=camrotationx.f-mouse_x/10 camrotationy.f=camrotationy.f+mouse_y/10 LERotateEntity(camera,Vec3(VResult, camrotationy.f, camrotationx.f, 0)) ;-Player movement move=LEKeyDown(#KEY_W)-LEKeyDown(#KEY_S) strafe=LEKeyDown(#KEY_D)-LEKeyDown(#KEY_A) ;-Set cntroller Input LEUpdateController(player,Vec3(VResult, camrotationy.f, camrotationx.f, 0),move,strafe,jumo,0.5); ;- PosCam playerpos=LEEntityPosition(player,Vec3(VResult)) [b] ; *y.playerpos=*y.playerpos+1.75 ; LEPositionEntity(camery,playerpos)[/b] when i un-rem the bolden codelines (the last 2 lines) i get enginecrashes - don´t know @ this time how to handle correct 2 use the playercontroller und position wit Vec3. Maybe someone can help me out. Thx a lot PS: i added as attachment the updated leadwerks-include with global variables if someone would like to xinclude in projects (And as backup for myself - i like backups in the cloud G*). leadwerks_pb_include.txt
  4. okay - i found my problem why i don´t see water etc. - i thx wchriss for his working example. My Fault was - that i do this code: framework = LECreateFramework() If framework >0 Lua = LEGetLuaState() LELua_pushobject(Lua, framework ); LELua_setglobal(Lua, "framework "); LELua_pop(Lua, 1); if i renamed framework to fw - all works fine - water - sky etc. - sorry for this and thx.
  5. hehe - womans can break the creative phase @wchris - can u give me an working example code for pb for loading a scene - i tried now many times - but - i don´t see anything - maybe problems again with the cameralayer.
  6. Hi Wchris, yes - there was a lot of sun - and i got some burnings on my skin I tried the actual headgen - there is a little problem with the Procedure LE_Engine_Stop(). The Command LEEndRender() Could not be found - i check later why. Second - i check your SimpleFWExample - works fine. Is it possible that you can give a pb example that loads a map that comes with the LE sdk - or makes an example wirh water - both don´t work at this time for me. I have no plans yet for a game - more for an application leadwerks + pb + sql. A kind of Sandbox Editor with multiuser - later maybe a game. People can upload models textures sounds etc. and use them to make a kind of virtuall city or an architactual marketplace. At the moment i experementing with the engine. The sql code is ready - server with 100 mbit direct connect is ready - now i must get firm with the engine. If you like my project - your a welcome to help - i buy you a pb version so on....
  7. Sorry - i went for a few days in holiday - so now i am back again. Tomorrow i test all and report back to you - when i remember correctly befor my holiday - your example works fine - i test it again and tomorrow i will report you back. so on....
  8. You right - it´s only for me to hide this in the code - no need for the procedure
  9. - no need for a wrapper - open the dll and go - PB can oop - search forums @ purebasic.fr/english for explanings and tutorials
  10. Hi @ all, i tested some commands - some work some not - maybe someone can test this: works: LESetStats(2) LESetNearDOF(1) LESetNearDOFStrength(0.2) LESetNearDOFRange(0.5, 1) LESetFarDOF(1) LESetFarDOFStrength(1) LESetFarDOFRange(1.5, 5) LESetGodRays(1) LESetAntialias(8) LESetSaturation(1) LESetBrightness(1) LESetContrast(1) LESetBloom(1) LESetHDR(1) LESetDistanceFog(1) LESetZoom(1) LESetBackgroundMode(0) not working: LESetWater(1) LESetSSAO(1) not working correctly: LEGetGraphicsVendor() = shows at debut at me 3 (i have an nvidia) LEGetShaderModel() LEMaxAFilter() => show with debug at me 1 (i think x>8 will work fine at me) LEMaxTextureUnits() => shows 0 - no texture units? LEMaxColorBuffers() => shows 0 - no maxcolor ? Also i have problems with the LELoadScene command - it loads the scene - i get stats about a lot of polygons - but i only see a black screen?! thanx
  11. @Wchris i tested your new version of the headergen. mmh where should i begin - okay - looks very good - your my hero 2nd - your right - no need for the macros okay - litte problem - you forgot an enumeration at line 83 - befor the #engine_library and.... no need for the procedures: - LE_Engine_Stop - LE_Engine_Functions_List they where only for testing for my beginnings of testing the engine with pb - so u can delete line from 1161 to 1179. By the way - the command lines at the beginnig - line 3 to 8 have problems with the spaces at the end - line 847 - comment helper funtions i think can deleted also - comment line 835 - 837 - mapping declaration --- mmhm must be move to 1186 - better - delet it can u correct the procedure names? it looks like this: LEGetGraphicsVendor ( ) - better without spaces like LEGetGraphicsVendor() -thx greetings
  12. #Engine_library without a number worked <- SM: because i enumerated it plus its in a function <- SM: not really? why a function - its only a variable that becomes thru the enumeration an fixed number @ compilation time => konstante .. fu** - i think the google translater works better than my bloody english - *narf* I think you have cleand out the code - and so the init_enum procedure will not be called? - so the #Engine_library did not get a number at compilation.
  13. nopes - because the compiler think its an variable without the # by hte way - have you tried the command - LESetSSAO(1) - *G freezes my app
  14. Update okay - works also fine - shows full stats etc. but only shows a black screen - maybe the graphiccard drivers @ my work pc seems to be broken - i will try this @ home this evening XIncludeFile ("hwengine.pb") LERegisterAbstractPath(GetCurrentDirectory()) LESetAppTitle("Test") LEGraphics(640,480) ;LECreateWorld() framework = LECreateFramework() If framework>0 Lua = LEGetLuaState() LElua_pushobject(Lua,framework) LElua_setglobal(Lua, ""+Str(framework)) LElua_pop(Lua, 1) EndIf LESetBackgroundMode(1) LESetStats(2) mesh=LECreateCube() light=LECreateSpotLight() LESetFarDOF(1) LESetFarDOFStrength(1) LESetFarDOFRange(1.5, 5) LESetGodRays(1) ;LESetSSAO(1) ;LESetAntialias(1) Repeat LETurnEntity(mesh,Vec3(0.5)) LETurnEntity(light,Vec3(-0.25)) LEUpdateFramework() LERenderFramework() LEFlip() Until Quit = 1 Or LEAppTerminate() LEFreeFramework(framework)
  15. okay.... XIncludeFile ("hwengine.pb") LERegisterAbstractPath(GetCurrentDirectory()) LESetAppTitle("Test") LEGraphics(640,480) framework = LECreateFramework() If framework>0 Lua = LEGetLuaState() LElua_pushobject(Lua,framework) LElua_setglobal(Lua, ""+Str(framework)) LElua_pop(Lua, 1) EndIf Repeat LEDrawText("Hello World!",32,32) LEUpdateFramework() LERenderFramework() LEFlip() Until Quit = 1 Or LEAppTerminate() runs - and shows the framerate - don´t know why - and don´t show the draw text text - because of the fps?
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