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  1. Yea, its a pretty common thing with most development tools. Just about all of them have template files for things like "new project" or "comment insertion", etc. At least that's been my experience over my 36 years of development. For example, both Microsoft Visual C++ and Embarcadero RAD Studio have that feature. Many other product do as well, so its not surprising it can be done here too. Sometimes they are simply text files, other times XML, and sometimes proprietary but proprietary data files (DBs or otherwise) have become pretty unpopular with developers since we always want ways to make our job easier. LOL Game development is a new area for me, I'm used to building low level system tools, utilities, and other applications. Leadwerks appears to be a nice platform for wetting my appetite with game dev.
  2. You don't have to do it "each" time. It's a one time thing. After you edit those entries, then Leadwerks simply copies them in to the data when you create a new project. You "might" have to modify them again after a Leadwerks update. Just depends on if it makes changes to the template files with a new upgrade.
  3. You can actually do this yourself if you like. It's simply one of the template scripts. You can find it here: {your Leadwerks install dir}\Templates\Common\Scripts\Objects\Cameras\New script.lua This script is the template loaded when you click the "New\Script" popup menu item. NOTE: There is at least two other script templates that employ this erroneous convention (could be more, didn't really check all) - the other script in that same directory as above (3rdPersonFollow.lua) as well as the following: {your Leadwerks install dir}\Templates\Common\Scripts\AnimationManager.lua So if you want to correct all of them, you could use Notepad (or your favorite text editor) and do a search/replace on all the script template files for the occurance of "]]--" with "--]]".
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