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Everything posted by Bolt
Post the wall fbx file using Y-up option and I'll take a look at it.
There should be no axis conversion if you set your FBX exporter options to Y-up. FBX Export Options: Advanced Options -> Axis Conversion -> Up-Axis: Y-up Other than that, there is always the possibility that one of your parts is using negative scaling (-100) along one of their axes in 3dsmax. Some users do that when mirroring parts, but it may not export well outside of 3dsmax.
These files are required for the FBX converter: MSVC++ 2012 runtime redistributables: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679 MSVC++ 2008 SP1 runtime redistributables: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=11895 Select and download vcredist_x86.exe in both cases.
I don't know if this solves your problem, but the latest FBX converter requires the MSVC++ 2012 runtime redistributables: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679 The converter is a 32-bit program, so you must select and download vcredist_x86.exe, whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system. I don't know if the Leadwerks installer comes with this file, but it's kinda important, especially for those who install Leadwerks on fresh install of Windows. And the older FBX converter required the MSVC++ 2008 SP1 runtime redistributables: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=11895 So, I suggest installing both.
Just a guess, your model from Blender hasn't been triangulated. A model with concave N-gons could cause something like that, or if you're exporting a model with holes, make sure your model is triangulated.
I'll leave it to that.
Yeah, it went a bit off topic. I just wanted to add my input on the static mesh hierarchy issue, and not get dragged into a discussion about glTF.
Yes, it "can" be done, but that doesn't mean it should be done. Optimized runtime formats are not for editing. It's the job of your 3D modelling application to save your assets in a preserving, non-destructive way. When data is exported to an optimized format like glTF, precision is lost. Floating point values are truncated when exported to ASCII format, precision for vertex weights is lost when they get compressed to bytes, etc... And end users have no idea their data is being truncated because someone told them to export it between tools. File formats like FBX don't optimize your model data, because it's a true exchange format. And glTF will never replace it, because they're not competitors playing on the same level.
No, they used the word "interoperable" because they're describing an asset delivery system across different platforms. There's no need to convert/exchange a glTF file into another format when it's already been optimized to load into your game engine. I wouldn't use a runtime format like glTF or DirectX for editing purposes either. And whether glTF lives up to the hype remains to be seen. A lot people are pushing it, but I would rather hear who's using it.
Unwrap3D also has an importer for glTF files, but that doesn't change the fact that glTF is an end-of-the pipeline format. Importers are only there for convenience, for people who want to "decompile" runtime assets. And you won't find the word "exchange" anywhere on the Khronos glTF website, either.
Nothing has changed, it has always worked like that. The reason why a single root always gets exported is mainly due to animation reasons, a skeleton should only have one root. It's probably not required for static meshes, but no one has ever mentioned it until now. glTF is not an exchange format. It's a runtime format for game engines. The model data is written so game engines can load it directly into their buffers without modification. FBX, on other hand, is an exchange format, which is why glTF won't replace it. It'll just complement it.
I downloaded Akeytsu just to try it out. Their FBX import looks ok. I get the same smoothing results as them now. And I looked at the dwarf beard again, and it's actually the vertex normals that are reversed. The face geometry is ok. Akeytsu shows the same reversed normals too. As for Unity, it might have double-sided lighting enabled by default, so it doesn't show up as black. btw, I added a Split vertices per normal option to all the U3D FBX plugins if anybody wants to test it out.
Ok, I think I got it working. Vertices must be split by their normal when loading data into per vertex buffers. There are some artwork issues with your Dwarf model, btw, but the smoothing should now be correct. The two beard strands are black because the faces are reversed (you probably scaled them by -1 or they were procedurally created), and the left foot has one polygon assigned to the wrong smoothing group (user error).
The dwarf model has no smoothing groups, so everything gets smoothed as if it belongs to one smoothing group. To get this working with Leadwerks, the "armour" mesh should be split into its own smoothing groups. Programs like Akeytsu don't seem to be using smoothing groups, instead they're reading the actual vertex normals. But, the catch is, sometimes they're stored per polygon vertex. Which means, for a vertex to have more than one vertex normal, it needs to be split. Because, as you know, most game engines store their normals per vertex. So, Akeytsu is probably splitting up their mesh too, you just don't realize it.
From what I've read, UDIM mapping is not practical for real-time applications, since it's so expensive to use. Although, that was written 4 years ago, but I don't think the technology has changed much since.
The FBX converter supports smoothing groups. Before exporting your model from 3dsmax, check: Geometry -> Smoothing Groups. Modo should also have similar export options in Preferences -> File I/O -> FBX I/O. Make sure Save smoothing groups is checked.
Other game engines like Unreal4 and Unity don't support UDIM mapping. Probably because a typical game engine doesn't need 16k or 32k high resolution textures for its models. But, I think other game engines do support PBR materials, so I wouldn't mind seeing them supported here if they're not. I came across this, so it looks possible: http://www.martinkearl.co.uk/2017/05/leadwerks-pbr-2.html https://github.com/Mattline1/LeadwerksPBR
UTF8 is capable of encoding all possible characters defined by Unicode, which is over one million characters. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 If you just use UTF8 for ASCII text (0 to 127), it looks exactly the same. It uses a single byte for a single character. But, higher up, it uses 2 or 3 bytes per character.
You can still use it if you convert wchar_t to UTF8 first, then to XChar2b. Note that the size of wchar_t is different on Windows/Linux OSes. 2 bytes for Windows, 4 bytes for Linux. wchar_t is not portable friendly, which is why most people use UTF8.
Just some extra info if anybody is interested. PNG files support transparency, but they don't utilize it as an alpha channel, like you might find in 32-bit TGA or BMP files. If you load this PNG file into Photoshop, you will see transparency, but no alpha channel. Which may seem a bit confusing. In Photoshop, you can convert transparency to an alpha channel, by Ctrl+clicking on the layer icon, then open the Channels window, and click on the "Save selection as channel" button, to create a new alpha channel. This can then be saved as a 32-bit TGA or BMP file.
How did you export your model from Sketchup? What file format did you use? Your model doesn't appear to be triangulated. If your model has complex polygons, such as holes or concave shapes, then it needs to be triangulated on export.
The Leadwerks exporter plugin for U3D was updated recently. It now exports MDL files instead of GMF. I don't know if LE2 supports "version 2" MDL files, so I would recommend exporting to "version 1" instead. The exporter plugin allows you to export to version 1 or version 2. Just FYI, "version 2" MDL files added animation names when exporting animated skinned meshes. So, if you're not exporting animated meshes, then the files will be the same.
If you want to batch convert multiple FBX files to Leadwerk's MDL format, you can create a simple MSDOS commandline batch file (.bat), such as: for %%X in (*.fbx) do fbx2mdl.exe "%%X" Of course, your DirectX files need to be in FBX format first.
Is your model using a shader combination of diffuse+normal+specular maps? I downloaded the LE3 demo a while ago, and noticed that the barbarian model that comes with the Darkness Awaits demo has some UV/texture corruption too. I can see this in both the Map Editor and Model Editor. I assumed it's either a bug with the Editor or perhaps my older graphics card (only OpenGL 2.1) doesn't support the shaders being used. Here's a screenshot of the demo running on my computer. Notice the UV/texture corruption on the face and shield. To test my guess, I edited the barbarian.mat, and changed it to a diffuse only shader: //shader="shaders\dynamic\diffuse+normal.shader" shader="shaders\dynamic\diffuse.shader" texture0=".\barbarian.tex" //texture1=".\barbarian_dot3.tex" //texture2=".\barbarian_spec.tex" Ran the Editor again, and the UV/texture corruption went away. So, I would say something is happening with the shaders being used and my graphics card. Nothing is wrong with your converted file. This is the LE3 Demo from April, so I don't know if it's already been fixed or not.
Just FYI, the fbx2gmf.exe tool does not automatically create .MAT files. .MAT files are necessary for animation. And the .MAT file must specify a skin shader. The latest GMF plugin for Unwrap3D will automatically create .MAT files for you. It will detect whether you're using a static or skinned mesh, and write out the appropriate shader. The fbx2gmf tool is better in the sense that it will preserve the original FBX mesh hierarchy. The Unwrap3D plugin will not preserve mesh hierarchies. It will combine all meshes into one mesh. For animated character models, you would probably prefer a single skinned mesh. But, if you have something like a vehicle with wheels, then you might prefer keeping the mesh hierarchy in tact. As you might want the wheels to rotate about their own axes, which is not possible with a combined mesh.