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Everything posted by Roland

  1. In case you are interested in C++ I am talking a bit about it here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD9BT6X6Eefz3omHi4q8s2vtLhBbdv-ql
  2. I started with hex-coding on punch cards. Back then a gosub would have been like heaven
  3. Haha... I haven't. That's a picture of me half as old as I'm now.
  4. The default without f is a double.
  5. Yeah. Even better. I'm starting to get to get old forgetting about the latest stuff. Thanks
  6. Looping through all entities in the World // used somewhere inside a class // assuming you have a pointer to the world for_each( world->entities.begin(), world->entities.end(), [this](Entity* e) // 'this' may be needed or not depending on what you will do with the 'e' entity { // e is pointer to current entity // do what you need to do });
  7. or https://github.com/alrusdi/leadwerks-blender-exporter
  8. Right now the compiled *.o files are generated in the same directory as the source files, which is a bit messy (at least according to me). It would be better of the ended up in its own directory. This is simply done by changing one line in the template $PROJECT_NAME.cbp. Change this line <Option object_output="../../" /> To <Option object_output="obj" /> and all compiled object files will end up in folders at Project/Linux/obj
  9. Works nicely here. Great
  10. @damvcool That's cool. I will definitive have a look at that one. Great suggestion
  11. Yes I know about that one (GeoMorph). I can do a video on that one also if requested.
  12. If you are running Linux as I do there ain't to many options to generate terrains. However then we have Blender and I found that its actually a quite nice terrain tool. Works in all platforms. So here you are http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0oiY-ZgHxcY
  13. Absolutely NOT if you are a Linux user and payed for Linux.
  14. Thanks Josh for your comments. I fully understand the problems with keeping things exactly alike in details for two different OS and that many things can be dependent on some third-party libs or pieces. If I remember correctly the editor is still done using Blitzmax and maybe that was a time saver at start, but maybe not in the long run (just guessing here). Anyway, Keep up catching those nasty little devils called bugs and issues and we will be fine. And don't you even DARE thinking of removing C++ or/and Linux support or else a Viking ship will start heading over from Sweden
  15. I have seen same thing and beeing a Linux user it's even more attenuated. To me it seems that instead of fixing some issues, the components or functions causing the issues are just removed or crimped down. This IS a bit worrying as the backwards compabitlity can not be fully trusted. Hopefully this is a temporary thing going on and not a new way of stripping things down to having just the most $$$ generating things left in there. I'm not mad either but a bit worried. I don't want a LE4 where C++ or Linux or whatever suddenly is gone
  16. I have suggested this since LE 2.5 and still waiting
  17. Wings It exports to OBJ, but then you can use UU3D which reads OBJ and exports FBX
  18. You can make a search here in the forum for "pure virtual function call" which is about the error you mention As an example, here is one of the threads discussing R6025 ttp://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11181-r6025-pure-virtual-function-call/#entry81349
  19. And soon we have VS2015. I assume you will update to that one then Josh
  20. Neither of them will work. First of all you have to have an instance of the world and then use the methods (functions) on that instance World* myWorld = World::Create(); myWorld->Clear();
  21. I bought Truebones packs long time ago and I haven't manage to get it working anywhere or various reasons. Rigs are different along the animations, most of them has sliding feet's, some have stuttering movements, very few are looped and so on. So I agree with gamecreator.
  22. Yes it works with VS2013 and Leadwerks. I use in ny Leadwerks C++ projects for editing Leadwerks LUA scripts
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