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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Very interesting stuff. Thank's Guppy
  2. Yes. Good for everyone to know. else its stated here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/getting-started/programming-with-c-r58 "Leadwerks uses Visual Studio 2013 for Windows, "
  3. Open c:/Users/Owner/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/la/Windowns/la.sln in Visual Studio and compile both Debug and Release
  4. Its told in the first post
  5. Hahaha.. so for me front is back then. Cool I can accept that
  6. Is me or the editor that doesn't know what is front and back I have always been assuming that x points right. Isn't front view actually showing back?
  7. That wrench looks really great
  8. Calling a Lua Script function from C++ without arguments works just fine. No problem. But when it comes to bringing along an argument I need some hint. Here is an example. LUA: Script.myval = 10 function Script::increment() self.myval = self.myval + 1 end function Script::add( val ) self.myval = self.myval + val end C++: (assuming we have the entity to which the script attached) entity->CallFunction( "increment" ); // works fine. no problem Any idea how to add argument for the call of "add" ? I understand that this has to be done using the Interpreter class. But how ?
  9. I agree with you Rick and have actually change my naming to exactly what you says above. Josh, regarding mixing an input and an output ... naaaah. That only leads to confusion. Not a good idea
  10. What amazes me is that whenever I ask a simple question it derives into something else. In this case I started by just asking what the status on 64-bit was, got an answer from Josh on that, which I could accept. All good. Then I made a suggestion and that seemed to be out of line for now. Again I accepted that without discussion. Where have I said something about that I need 64-bit to make a game better or that I can't live without a GUI (I have made a working GUI myself already). It must be possible to ask simple questions without getting dragged into some weird assumptions on what may or may not bee behind the question. Anyway, all OK YouGroove. Summary: - I asked two questions and they got an answer. I'm satisfied with that. - I did not go into anything about art, art-pipeline or anything else. - I miss some public plan for the future of the engine, but can live with that. Cheers
  11. @YouGroove. You do not cease to amaze me
  12. This will draw a red rectangle when attached to a pivot. function Script:PostRender(context) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:SetColor(1,0,0,1) context:DrawRect( 100, 100, 200, 200) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) end You should not call Clear.. that's done in the App:Loop already
  13. Why not just a pivot for that as a holder for your GUI code.
  14. Reading all this, I take that the answer on my suggestion is No. Thanks for the info
  15. Thank's a lot Josh for taking the time to elaborate your thoughts on this, and reading that I can fully understand the decision. Here's a suggestion. Could the 5.000$ raised for this be moved over to "The Visual GUI Editor" which then could be financed within the raised amount of Kickstarter. Looking at the kickstarter the cost of The GUI is set to 10.000$. Skipping the 64-Build gives a gain of 5.000$. Some math gives that the project is then 'over'-funded with 42.358$- 30.000$ = 12.358$ which covers the cost of The GUI, still with a reaming profit of 2.358$ reserved for unplanned costs. Wouldn't that be a good idea
  16. I didn't ask for what the advantages or disadvantages are. Think I know them. I asked for the status of the stretch goal
  17. Rick. We agree on that as with my suggestion the input dots shows up on left side, output dots on right side together with the args.
  18. Right now the order of in, out and args in the flowgraph boxes are alphabetical In my humble opinion it would be more easy to have them ordered like this. First inputs Then outputs Last arguments Besides that I repeat what ChrisV said elsewhere. It would be at great help if when you right click on a scripted object in the scene it would center that object, not only in the view ports but also in the flowgraph
  19. The Kickstarter ended up in 42.358$. What's the status of this?
  20. Simplicity combined with quality and the best community around makes Leadwerks an easy choice
  21. As for me then. [ = Alt + Ctrl + 8 Do I need to say that I don't use that all the time There is a world outside USA :D
  22. Finally got the LUA GUI working. It has what we need (Edit, Text, Checkbox, RadioButtons, Slider and Buttons ). The style of the fonts and controls I leave to Chris Here's a screenshot.
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