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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Yes Marley. The model is the same rigged model, just with different animations. It's really strange IDLE WALK RUN
  2. Hello there I have been away soooo long from Leadwerk, but intends to start again. This time I'm trying to use LUA for testing things (C++ will be used more later on). Anyway. I have the same model exported to 3 separate fbx files with a unique animation in each of them (idle, walk and run). Each of them looks and animates OK when dragged into the scene. I then dragged the idle fbx to the scene and attached a script to load the animations and toggle between them. Whooo that came out weird! Here is the script I have attached to the guy out on the left side in the attached video function Script:Start() self.idle = self.entity:LoadAnimation("Models/Characters/eric/eric_idle.mdl") self.walk = self.entity:LoadAnimation("Models/Characters/eric/eric_walk.mdl") self.run = self.entity:LoadAnimation("Models/Characters/eric/eric_run.mdl") self.cur = self.idle end function Script:UpdateWorld() local window = Window:GetCurrent() if window:KeyHit(Key.Space) then if self.cur == self.idle then self.cur = self.walk elseif self.cur == self.walk then self.cur = self.run elseif self.cur == self.run then self.cur = self.idle end end self.entity:SetAnimationFrame(Time:GetCurrent()/30.0,1,self.cur,true) end Is this code a wrong or is the problem somewhere else? Any suggestions? Here is a video showing the problem http://northwerk.com/videos/le2.mp4
  3. Looking good here Shad. As I reinstalled Windows a day ago the test was a success with a totally clean LE3.2 install.
  4. Press Ctrl+Alt+U Select Addons Select Category = Import Export Mark Leadwerks
  5. I'm not sure what the problem actually is. What you need is VisualStudio 2013 Express Desktop and nothing more. Create a C++ project in project manager. Then in the project folder you created you will find a Visual Studio solution file in Project/Windows (projectname.sln) Open that one and compile. Should work. If that doesn't work show some screenshot or list of the error you get.
  6. param.. Looks really awesome. Thumbs up
  7. Great, then I know. That suited me perfect
  8. Object* extra is not described. What is it? Also Parameters talks about 'hookname' which isn't among the parameters. Please make correction in Documentation
  9. Hahaha... At work we searched for (as it was discovered) a misplaced '.' character for two weeks. THAT's a nightmare
  10. Right click on the short cut and select properties
  11. Yes I know that, but there as some minor issues to solve there. Haven't looked at it yet, so maybe with some luck a converter won't be needed.
  12. I haven't done anything with LE3.1 so far as I simply haven't got the time for it.However when I do the first thing is to write my self a VS2013 to CodeBlocks Project converter.Although VS2013 is very good, its slow, big and bulky (I use it at work each day). CodeBlocks is then quite slick and you don't have to bother about Sign In and expires. Further on you have the same IDE on both Linux and Windows. Of course I will share such a converter when and if I make one.
  13. Yes that would be nice indeed, I doubt that targeting several IDE's will be officially supported though and can fully understand that. I made a CodeBlock project maker for the old LE2.5. Maybe its possible to make some converter VS2103 to CB for LE3 also. Haven't looked into it really yet.
  14. The Leadwerks Project Manager generates project files for CodeBlocks, so I would suggest that one.
  15. That's not hijacking. That's just discussing the topic and that's what we are here in the forum to do, so you are welcome
  16. I see what you mean. That's the only facts I could find. Guess everything else falls into the category assumptions so far.
  17. 100$ you get Linux only 200$ you get Linux, Windows and Mac
  18. Hovering the mouse at the bottom of the post brings up a menu with 'delete'
  19. Yes Guppy. Forgot that it was for backers only. Sorry about that. Removed the post However the content was that the Linux standard version will be avaible on Steam soon.
  20. +1 Suggested this 2 years ago
  21. Very well put Flexman. I was a 110% Leadwerker in LE2.5 and left because of the Mobile direction which I was totally uninterested in (and also didn't believe in for one second). The move over to Mobile simply did not give me any choice and it was with a big sadness I had to look for other ways to go further with my ideas (OK.. I'm only a hobbyist but still with ideas). Anyway with the introduction of Leadwerks 3.1 Linux I could feel a turn back going on, even if nothing such was said or declared. So I joined the Kickstarter with a hope for that. Now reading an official statement of this turn back on right track (according to me at least) makes me very happy. Right now I have invested so much work and efforts with the engine I turned to when the mobile thing was hitting us, so its more or less impossible to move that project back. But hopefully I can now with some trust turn back to making things with LE and start next project there. Thank's Josh for bringing LE back to where it belong. The great engine with great rendering and don't you dare to go mobile again
  22. Roland

    Refocusing on the PC

    Thanks for concentrating on Linux, PC and SteamOS.
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