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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Is there a way to set more than one material for a model (one mesh). This cylinder has 3 materials (in C4D) Can't find how to assign the materials in the editor. Seems only to be one material possible. The question is then. Can't Leadwerks 3.1 handle more than one material per mesh?
  2. But if you already are 4 persons. Aren't you team already? Anyway. I suspect you wont get any answer without telling what its all about. Good luck
  3. 1. In explorer find the place where your fbx file is (where you dragged it). Delete that one and the one with the ending .mdl 2. When you are at export there is a part "Export FBX". There you can select whether to export Selected Object or not A bit off topic: I tested with at Blender character with 500.000 polys my self. No problem. So I guess the number of polys was not the problem.
  4. Thank's a lot Chris. Great work that will be of good use for everyone. Thumbs Up
  5. Great work Chris. I like the tone and atmosphere in those screenshots
  6. OK. I see. Was most thinking of him make a space available so the Wiki could be move there. That way it would be secured to live together with Leadwerks. However I understand Josh lack of time.
  7. Why cant Josh just add a Leadwerks 3 wiki to the Leadwerks site. All problems solved. Josh ??
  8. Guys. I have no problem to change my mind when convinced with good arguments. So I do
  9. For a multiplayer game I can understand why protection can be important. For a single player not.
  10. If the user wants to hack the game, why not let him?
  11. I could not agree more Josh. Any need to open the terminal is a just an annoying thing and shows that a package or whatever isn't fully completed for the average user. I welcome the work of Canonical making a more consistent interface to the OS. Sure helps the average user to overcome the step to Linux. And for the elite and cream of the Linux users there are always the possibility to choose any of the more naked distros to satisfy their interests
  12. Looking just awesome. I'm living in a landscape of exactly that nature and you really got it. Congrats
  13. To be on the safe side I use Windows, Linux and Mac
  14. Second one was very informative. Thanks for the link.
  15. Roland

    Procedural Terrain

    This looks so darn cool. Looking forward to see the outcome of this.
  16. Your LE2 manual was the only one worth the name manual, so its great that you are making one for LE3 also. Great Job
  17. Everything in this world should be taken with some sense, this holds for OOP also.
  18. I have been following this at a distance for a while to see where it goes. The direction has been a bit 'floating' as I have seen it. Going back to Windows/Mac/Linux PC is a good thing in my humble opinion and a 3.1 with high end rendering and a good terrain sound promising. So + for that.
  19. Roland

    Leadwerks for Linux

    Sounds interesting.
  20. maybe not http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1070-open-invitation-to-shiva-users/
  21. http://www.two-sdg.demon.co.uk/curbralan/code/dirent/dirent.html
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