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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Visual Studio 11 Beta ???? Really..... Why not use either Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012 !!!
  2. OH ... What an honor to be mentioned in this Great Poem. Thanks Merry Christmas to you over there.
  3. Pixel. You'r the man. Beautiful work of yours there
  4. Okay. Great. Yes, a solution without function pointers would have been my first choice also.
  5. Don't know if I understood the question correctly but this might be what you are asking for typedef void (*TheFunc)(void); class Adam { TheFunc _func; public: Adam() : _func(0) {} void SetFunc( TheFunc func ) { _func = func; } void Call() { if( _func ) _func(); } }; void MyFunc() { // Called .... } int main( int, char*[]) { Adam a; a.SetFunc( MyFunc ); a.Call(); return 0; }
  6. Great. Exactly what i need. Does not have to be exactly a ring. Many thank's
  7. Hello there all LUA Guru's I have the need for showing a colored ring around an object in the Editor (not in game) when its selected. Any suggestion on how to accomplish that ? Like this
  8. Roland

    Import Model Scaling

    Maybe a bit off-topic. But I gave a suggestion of a "snap to" function so building up things out of parts would be easy. You liked the idea. Is that going to be implemented. Would be a great thing.
  9. This works class MyClass { TEntity _this; static void _stdcall _onCollision( TEntity entity0, TEntity entity1, byte* position, byte* normal, byte* force, flt speed ); public: MyClass(); }; MyClass::MyClass() { // create the entity _this // _this = CreateXXXXX // register for collison detection SetEntityUserData( _this, reinterpret_cast<BP>(this) ); SetEntityCallback( _this, reinterpret_cast<BP>(_onCollision), ENTITYCALLBACK_COLLISION ); } void MyClass::_onCollision( TEntity us, TEntity them, byte* position, byte* normal, byte* force, flt speed ) { MyClass* pThis = reinterpret_cast<MyClass*>(GetEntityUserData(us)) ; if( pThis == 0) return; // Do your thing on collision // You are pThis }
  10. Really nice as usual Chris
  11. Make it anyway you like Josh, as long as it works. Which method you ever choose, there will always bee someone questioning it .)
  12. It has been replaced by LeBuilder.exe which is in the root of the SDK directory
  13. Of course we love them Chris
  14. Yes. LE2 runs fine. But 3DWorldStudio don't . This is the result starting the program. Of course I tested both Admin-privilege's and compability mode
  15. Forget what I said. It can
  16. How can it for (var t:Number = 0; t <1; t+=rez){
  17. If that is how you would like the world to see you, its a good picture. Welcome
  18. I have a Unity Pro license, have uninstalled Unity as I dont touch it anymore. Now just uses Leadwerks. Here is one place to read about the API http://www.leadwerks...itle=Main_Page I made a thin C# wrapper that is distributed with the LE2 SDK. About LE3 and C# I don't have any information
  19. Yeah.. this is the way COM works (also see DirectX). Works well. You can also build in some automatically ref-counting in assignment operators, copy constructors and in destructors.
  20. He is right, although I must confess that a Friday Pizza is on my menu. But then I make many program error... Now I got the explanation
  21. Thank's for the suggestions guys. Will test that tonight when I come home from work. Your are as usual awesome
  22. Any suggestion for a good method of detecting if my character walks from land into water?
  23. Most welcome to this very friendly community.
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