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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Thanks ChrisV for writing blogs about our progress as I never seem to get time to do it
  2. My congratulations to such a good achievement. Thumbs up for you
  3. Josh. All jokes aside. Take the time it needs and keep up the good work.
  4. Check Title of this thread. Its "Summer Over Yet" Maybe this thread would be better Any news on new leadwerks engine? Congrats for the snow ... much better than rain at least
  5. This photo was taken 10 minutes ago from my office window. Looks like summer?
  6. Best one so far if you ask me. Great ChrisV
  7. DrawText (0,currentLine*12,"FPS() = %f",FPS()); currentLine++; DrawText (150,1,"X= %f ",playerpos.X); DrawText (275,1,"Y= %f ",playerpos.Y); DrawText (400,1,"Z= %f ",playerpos.Z);
  8. TModel base = LoadModel("abstract::soldier.gmf"); PositionEntity(base,Vec3(0,0,2)); int seq = LoadAnimation( GetChild(base,1),"abstract::idle.gmf");
  9. The problem with this is the same as with some customers at work. When asked "How should it function?", the answer is "Good"
  10. Slowly stating porting my existing code to LE3
  11. My hat off and my head to the floor .... That GUI is quite an achievement and with pure LE commands, which shows that pure LE is fully capable for a really nice GUI. GREAT WORK!!! and a great inspiration for me.
  12. Personally I'm quite OK with the fact that it has not been released yet. Have a lot of coding to do with LE2 and I guess that will be REAAALLLYY hard to concentrate on with a brand new LE3 released
  13. Nothing else to say that I looks great Almost as much hair as I have
  14. Nice to see. I tested Win8 on one machine and also found that all seems good. I'm running Win7 on my development computer but I could see no reason for using Win8. As always when something new comes along their are a long row of skeptics but I think Win8 will be quite nice. Its faster and the new theme is quite nice.
  15. Most interesting ... didn't know about that trick. Thanks for that
  16. Roland

    Visual Studio

    Aha... okay. Well 2010 is the way to go then. I will not debate if XP is better or not as you are the expert on that. I believe you. But in any case Win7 is the only choice we got for the future.
  17. Roland

    Visual Studio

    This seems to render out in a debate about XP or Win7. No matter if you thinks that XP is 10%, 15% or 20% faster than Win7 (which it is not) there is just baloney even suggesting to keep development for XP or development with VS2008. They will not be supported by Microsoft in the near future. That's it! Fewer and fewer users will even have XP or VS2008 as its not sold of supported. Even talking about that alternative for a "modern futurist game engine" is really ridiculous. Going with Win7 and VS2010 is kind of okay at this moment as Win8 + VS2012 is so fresh, But certainly they are the future whether you like it or not. But Win7 is VS2010 is OK. That's my thought about this.
  18. Roland

    Visual Studio

    2010 or 2012 is okay with me. and here is what I get when testing you 'testapp'
  19. Hahaha... yeah I was thinking about that to, but with the addition of singular abstraction layers of induced proxy values
  20. I agree. Don't even think about being without this tool.
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