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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Here you are Make your own templates for LEBuilder Oh.. sorry. My fault. The project built does not help you with classes, how silly of me.
  2. To use the classwizard or LeBuilder as its called now, find it LeBuilder.exe in your SDK folder and start that program. You will see some different project options, but no CodeBlocks. Now go HERE and download the template for CodeBlocks. Once downloaded select Import Template/From Package and select the downloaded zip file. Now will have an option for building CodeBlocks C++ projects.
  3. My tabs are also screwed up. But as I can't stand seeing that I go in and edit afterwards.
  4. typedef std::vector<std::string> StringArray; StringArray ListFiles( const std::string folder, const std::string& pattern ) { std::string root = folder; if( root[root.length()-1] != '\\' && root[root.length()-1] != '/' ) root += '/'; root += pattern; StringArray v; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE h = FindFirstFile( root.c_str(), &fd); if( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return v; if( fd.dwFileAttributes != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) v.push_back(fd.cFileName); while ( FindNextFile(h, &fd) ) if( fd.dwFileAttributes != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) v.push_back(fd.cFileName); FindClose( h ); return v; } StringArray ListSubfolders( const std::string folder ) { StringArray v; std::string root = folder; if( root[root.length()-1] != '\\' && root[root.length()-1] != '/' ) root += '/'; root += "*"; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE h = FindFirstFile( root.c_str(), &fd); if( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return v; if( fd.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY && strcmp( fd.cFileName, "." ) && strcmp( fd.cFileName, ".." ) ) { v.push_back(fd.cFileName); } while ( FindNextFile(h, &fd) ) { if( fd.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY && strcmp( fd.cFileName, "." ) && strcmp( fd.cFileName, ".." ) ) { v.push_back(fd.cFileName); } } FindClose( h ); return v; }
  5. I also say Yes, Yes, Yes ... not as an answer. Its a statement of what I see
  6. Just to avoid those mistakes ( happens even so often ) I usually add a typedef like this //.h typedef vector<resolution*> ResolutionList; ResolutionList resolutionList; //.CPP resolutionList.push_back(new resolution(640,480,resolution.Ratio._4_3_)); ResolutionList::iterator i; for(i = resolutionList.begin(); i != resolutionList.end(); ++i) {
  7. Simple makes Great. As usual you have made great things in a simple way. Cudos!
  8. Thanks guys. No wonder why I couldn't detect any difference when changing the value
  9. int LinePick(TPick *pick, TVec3 &point1, TVec3 &point2, flt radius=0, int collisionType=0, BP pickfilter=NULL) I can't find any explanation of what the radius parameter means.
  10. PaintShop Pro - more or less a PhotoShop Clone
  11. Looking great... think this one will actually be something in the end. Great work guys.
  12. Whow! .. Each time you write something I jump on reading it directly ... and never gets disappointed
  13. Hi All I have decided to leave the LECP project. Not because it’s a bad project, on the contrary, it’s a very good project. My problem is that I simply don’t seem to have the time for adding anything to the project and I don’t feel that its a good thing to come with excuses for that week after week. Better then to leave place for anyone that can give the time needed. What has changes since I joined is, that after years of just floating around here at Leadwerks, I finally (together with ChrisV) has started making a game with the goal to actually release it. This now takes all my time and leaves no room for either LECP or any other projects. I’m sorry for this but hope you all understand. Roland
  14. I have used 8-inch disks for years when I first started with development. It was assembler programming in some Intel development systems.
  15. Great reading and a good show on getting the thumb out of that place you are mentioning it the post title .
  16. Thanks for sharing your past and thoughts. I found it very interesting to read as I could recognize what you are telling. I have been through (or are in) same process of making mistakes. Maybe its so that one has to go through those phases to get somewhere as almost everyone makes them. Can it be so that a really good and stable base has to be built on mistakes. I tend to believe that. Its great to talk about them as it may end in someone else avoids making at least some of them. I could not agree more about animation. Animation seems to be one of the most important things in the game of the reasons you describes. I have taken this approach. To get somewhere I have bought some descent basic animations as walk and run. I now use those and is concentrating on the game logic and structure. When that's in place I (or more precisely me and ChrisV) will add the animations that are missing and polish the existing ones. The same goes for the models and art. Last time I tried to get a game done I ended up in never getting somewhere while making end-perfection on detail right from the start. Great reading
  17. Hard to say what the problem is. However here is a print static lib and an application that used the lib. Maybe you have some compiler setting wrong.
  18. While we are at it you can download a template for the LEBuilder here Codeblocks Template for Leadwerks Builder 1.0
  19. You cant change material in the ModelViewer.
  20. Yepp. Smashthewindow is right. Just make a namespace Convert and place your conversion functions there #include <sstream> namespace Convert { template <class T> inline std::string ToString (const T& t) { std::stringstream ss; ss << t; return ss.str(); } } #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include "convert.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { int a = 12345; float b = 54321.0f; std::cout << Convert::ToString<int>(a) << std::endl; std::cout << Convert::ToString<float>(B) << std::endl; system("pause"); return 0; }
  21. I have never had any problems in Win7 but anyway you can temporary turn of the UAC (User Account Control) while installing or updating. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/Turn-User-Account-Control-on-or-off
  22. I hope you noted my smiley after 'lazy'. Anyway I also have been into trying to master several engines and have found out that its just a big waste of time. Much better to decide which one to go with and keep up with that one. No matter which one, they all has their cons and pros. Of course the best choice is Leadwerks Here is how to go with what you are asking about (at least to my knowledge) Make your model and convert it to GMF using either one of the converter tools in the folder Tools or even better use UU3D. You will get a default material with same name as the color texture used in your model. UU3D will make the material for you else you have to make it your self using the MaterialEditor. Convert all textures used to DDS using the MakeDDS tool. If you have done things right your GMF should show up in the ModelViewer or Editor with the texture applied. If you want another material for the model, just make another one using the MaterialEditor and save it (you can name it anything you want). In the Editor double click on the model in the Object Tree to the right and the Script Edtor will show up. Add following lines require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) and the save. If you now double click on your object in the scene a Properties Dialog will show up. In that dialog under the tab Appearance you can select your new material file. Hope this helped you.
  23. Yes I know macklebee... I did download that and had an accidental wipe off of all my files (which I even blogged about) so its gone for me also Anyway.. thanks
  24. Just a remark. READ THE USER GUIDE and don't be lazy Its an awesome document by Aggror so here is the link again. Leadwerks 2.3 User Guide That's the one and only Bible for beginners.
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