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Everything posted by Roland

  1. I can see that the choice made in the Editor Options dialog are saved to Editor.ini. Now I'm trying to find out which LUA command each option line in Editor.ini corresponds to. Anyone that can help me with filling in the blanks? Editor.ini LUA Command Trilinear_Filter TFilter Anisotropic_Filter AFilter FOV ??? TextureQuality SetTextureQuality Physics_Quality SetPhysicsQuality modeldetail ??? ShadowQuality SetShadowQuality reflectionquality SetReflectionElements VerticalSync Flip terrainshadows ??? grassshadows SetVegetationShadowMode (exist in C++, not in LUA??? ) Godrays SetGodrays SSAO SetSSAO Antialias SetAntialias HDR SetHDR Bloom SetBloom DOF SetNearDOF or SetFarDOF ??? doffarrange SetNearDOFRange or SetFarDOFRange ???
  2. Mike -- I think you are right there. Its always tempting to have to much "sheen" as the normal maps show off better then. We will decrease the shininess. Thanks for the input
  3. Lets hope for more texture layers in LE3 as the limit of 5 is a bit to low.
  4. Finally getting somewhere now that I meet ChrisV. And he's a very good partner. So now I'm coding and coding that my fingers glows while he is taking care of the art. I'm really exited about this and very happy with the way things are going. Besides that we have a good chemistry, we also have the advantage to be in the same timezone, which has been a real trouble when trying to cooperate outside Europe.
  5. This time I will try to remember although I'm an old guy
  6. Great start of a project. Think that 'brown' touch of the environment works very well with the type of game. Good luck to you guys.
  7. Its a very common thing that when you have explained a problem , you will get the answer from you self. We use this method at my work. If I have problems with some programming thing I can go to some other guy and explain my problem, he does not even has to know any details about it. Its just the procedure of explaining that often leads to a solution, without the listener having to say one word. In fact I have many times not even finished my explaining of the problem before coming up with the solution on the problem. So keep on telling us of the problems
  8. Roland


    As I'm currently trying to achieve some AI-Pathfinding on on LE2, this make me hate the fact that I don't have LE3 already.... Awesome Josh.
  9. That's a really good thing Josh.
  10. My personal view is that I really don't care as long as it works. Having none or very little experience in this area, I lean on trusting Josh. Guess its like everything else, different implementations have their pros and cons.
  11. I visited their site right now. No problems there. And of course you need UU3D, just get it
  12. I don't like it ... I think its fantastic
  13. This is off-topic ... but I got curious. What is it ?
  14. Roland

    Tehran Game Expo 2012

    Hmmm.... this is what I get when I visit FSR Company homepage
  15. Or use LeBuilder to get what you need, fast and simple.
  16. Roland

    Tehran Game Expo 2012

    Is this leadwerks game engine in action?
  17. You don't have to change anything i the code. Just add the path to where your DLL's are to the Enviroment Variable PATH in your System Settings.
  18. No problem here either. No crash when I press 0, neither in Debug or Release mode. Sure you haven't some old LE DLL around somewhere that's loaded before the one in your directory
  19. Then I was correct hours before Rick. I won :D .... Whats the price then ?
  20. Hehe.. Josh won't have any free time once LE3 is release
  21. I know why Josh doesn't tell. If he does, we all will make our best to destroy that happiness with and endless list of arguments against what he was happy about. Let us enjoy that Josh is a happy programmer because those makes the best results
  22. OK Guys. It seems to be a matter of situation and experience. I understand what you are saying, so on to get the experience then Thank's
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