I fully understand what Joh is saying. I also do this for fun, no more, no less.
Developers can have different goals. Some want to get things done as quickly as possible and care less about how. The main goal is to get things up working as fast a possible with as little effort as possible. I can fully understand the need for such an approach, specially if the output is going to be a commercial game giving some income. In that case, lib's that save time and effort is gold.
Then we have another type of developer like my self. I'm not into this to get an income or hit the world with something spectacular. All this is just for fun, a hobby. Of course I also want to get things done, but in my case I care more about how its done and less about the time it takes to get it done. I guess that Joh may belong to this group of developers as I do.
Both types of developers has their own justification and different methods, and that's a good thing. In my eyes there is no 'better' or 'worse' method of developing using lib's and third-party code. It all depends of what the intent is. So use lib's anytime you like to, or make your own if that's fun, as long as you are enjoying what you do.