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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Aaah... Cool. Thanks
  2. Silly question. Is it possible to get the physics update rate somewhere or is it always 60 on all machines?
  3. Ok DaDonik, sounds usable. I assume your monitors refresh rate is 60 with Flip(1). Mine is 120 so that would be (1/120)*AppSpeed() then. Will test that when I come home from work. Thanks
  4. This is the information given about update of a controller void UpdateController( TController controller, flt angle, flt move, flt strafe=0, flt jump=0, flt maxacceleration=0.5f, int iterations=1, int crouchmode=0 ) Question How does the parameter 'move' relate to the actual movement in the game. What does a value of 'move=1' mean? What does 'max acceleration=1' mean?
  5. This is exiting stuff.
  6. As interesting and nice as usual. Great progress there since last time.
  7. Visual Studio - Lua Language Support
  8. Thanks mac.. That did the trick. Though I had tested everything..but apparently I had not
  9. Meta... .somethings things are more easy than what meets the eye. Of course that works. I was thinking to complicated. Thanks
  10. Yes. That was what I was afraid of. Well. No big deal. I will manage it some other way.
  11. Thanks for the extended answer on this Naughty
  12. Hi I want to calculate the move speed of an animated character. My simple first approach was to measure the distance between the feets TVec3 lPos = EntityPosition( _leftFoot, 1); TVec3 rPos = EntityPosition( _rightFoot, 1); _curSpeed = fabs(lPos.Z-rPos.Z); // calculated speed That kind of works but the character will move in a (jagged?) manner. I know someone of you have done this calculation but can't remember who. Anyone?
  13. Hi .. a simple question. I have my character driven by a TContoller. Everything works as it should but there is one thing that I cant seem to fix. When stopping after have been walking (the move parameter to UpdateController is set to 0), my character does not stop at once, but continues sliding forward a little bit like she walks on ice. // _height = 1.7 // _modelPos is the postion of my character model TController _controller = CreateController( _height ); PositionEntity(_controller, modelPos ); SetBodyMass(_controller, 60); SetBodyGravityMode(_controller, 1 ); // _walker.GetWalkSpeed() gives a speed factor // _jumpHeight is a scale factor // _rotY is amount of rotation around Y float move = static_cast<float>(KeyDown( BackKey ) - KeyDown( ForwardKey )) * _walker.GetWalkSpeed(); float strafe = static_cast<float>(KeyDown( RightKey ) - KeyDown( LeftKey )); float jump = static_cast<float>(KeyHit(JumpKey))*_jumpHeight; UpdateController( _controller, _rotY*timeFactor, move*timeFactor, // contiues to move a bit event with move=0 strafe, jump, 5, 10, 0 ); RotateEntity( _model, EntityRotation(_controller ) ); PositionEntity( _model, EntityPosition(_controller) ); I have tested with various body parameters like increasing the friction, but with no effect. Any idea?
  14. Yeah that should work. But how do you know when you are just before 'flip' when you are in a 'loading thread'. Maybe some semaphore or other thing.. hmm.. yeah that would probably work. Great idea.
  15. I like that you are giving Microsoft a credit
  16. Ok.. Garbage then Well as long as its fixed in LE3D I'm happy
  17. Lets hope that will be fixed in LE3D then or even better ... in LE2
  18. Apparently this happens by some internal std::map magic . Not by a pointer automatically having a default of NULL. Anyway that's good to know.
  19. But say I want to load a completely new scene while still at end of current one. The LoadModel commands will automatically show the new models as they are loaded, right? I don't want to show or use them until the current scene is ended, and then quickly be able to switch to next one without loading delay.
  20. Exactly. In fact nothing except classes/struct's have default values in C++, and if you have no constructor which initializes the class/struct state, even they are in the dark undefined area.
  21. Josh. In LE3D, will it be possible to load models etc in a background thread. In Leadwerks3D we have the LoadXXXX command which loads an assets and attaches it for rendering in the same command. That makes background loading hard to do. Would it be separated so LoadXXXX just loaded the asset, and we then could Add the asset when its time for rendering, background loading would be easy in LE2. How will that be in LE3D?
  22. This is so great and don't bother about what everyone says you should start with. Do what you are interested in doing and have fun Great work
  23. Yes Meta... That was the problem. Naught.. you were also into the solution (Is it controller parented to anything ? ).. Thanks
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