Exactly my standpoint "Developer".
I have no phone capable of gaming either. Why? Because its nothing of interest for me.
My plan is to make a game for PC in same calm and good looking style as "Astralum (CyberAstral Journeys)" thats
been show here at the forum. I have no interest of mobile phone development at all.
This feels a bit strange. Since the first LE2 versions we have been loosing things. Example is the extremly nice water, the terrain brushes n the editor. Ok, has been my thought. LE3 will give us that back and probably even more. Now it seems that LE3 (first version) will be another step backward. Not to exiting news. I really hope that I'm missunderstanding all this.
This new direction of things leads me to questions!
Is Leadwerks still the right choice for me? Hopefully so, but I would like to see some
kind of plan what the future will look like, avoiding a new negative surprise.
What is the plan regardning a high graphics version.
Excpected time frame? Before end of 2012, 2013 Q1, Q2 ?
What will such an 'upgrade' add to the first LE3.?
What price group are we then in? 300$, 500$, 1000$ ?