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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Any time frame for that point?
  2. Yes, hear what you are saying Pixel. Staying with LE2 and make the best of it seems like the way to go. If I understand things correct, LE3 will not bring to much useful news if you are a non-mobile/iPhone/Android/Mac targeting person. Another possibility would be to choose another engine of course, but that would be quite painful now that I finally have got a code bank built up. Personally I think this direction will be an adventurous switch from the idea with LE2 as the main reason for getting into Leadwerks was just the high end graphics. I don't like this at all, but I hope I'm soooo wrong.
  3. Exactly my standpoint "Developer". I have no phone capable of gaming either. Why? Because its nothing of interest for me. My plan is to make a game for PC in same calm and good looking style as "Astralum (CyberAstral Journeys)" thats been show here at the forum. I have no interest of mobile phone development at all. This feels a bit strange. Since the first LE2 versions we have been loosing things. Example is the extremly nice water, the terrain brushes n the editor. Ok, has been my thought. LE3 will give us that back and probably even more. Now it seems that LE3 (first version) will be another step backward. Not to exiting news. I really hope that I'm missunderstanding all this. This new direction of things leads me to questions! Is Leadwerks still the right choice for me? Hopefully so, but I would like to see some kind of plan what the future will look like, avoiding a new negative surprise. What is the plan regardning a high graphics version. Excpected time frame? Before end of 2012, 2013 Q1, Q2 ? What will such an 'upgrade' add to the first LE3.? What price group are we then in? 300$, 500$, 1000$ ?
  4. This comes as a chock for me who is not interested in Phone Development at all. I stayed with LE2, waiting for LE3 to be a much better PC-Engine. And as I understand it, it might be. But not 2012, maybe 2013 or .... I completely understand the reasoning why it has to be that way. But now it seems that LE3 is not the way to go for me who is not into App-Development at all. Understands that is the way it is, impossible to make everyone happy I guess. However this forces me to rethink a bit. Can't wait for 'to be added later' on. I'm 59 Anyway. Good luck with LE3.
  5. ShaderMap Pro is a great tool. Highly recommended
  6. This series of tutorial is more or less designed for my as I'm working on my game CELL's Good work.
  7. Yes aggror. Here a complete sample #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> namespace TextPosition { enum Enum { Center, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight }; } class SomeClass { TextPosition::Enum _pos ; public: SomeClass() : _pos( TextPosition::BottomLeft ) {} void SomeMethod( const TextPosition::Enum& pos ) { switch( pos ) { case TextPosition::Center: std::cout << "I'm at Center" << std::endl; break; case TextPosition::TopLeft: std::cout << "I'm at TopLeft" << std::endl; break; } } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { SomeClass a ; a.SomeMethod( TextPosition::Center ) ; a.SomeMethod( TextPosition::TopLeft ) ; return 0; } with this output of course.
  8. Great Aggror. Totally awesome to have a VLOG instead of a long boring BLOG. Very nice indeed.
  9. Hehe... just to add another possibility you can remove the enum from the class and get something like this. This is the way I normally do it. Better? Well I don't know. Its just yet another take on this. namespace TextPostion { enum Enum { Center, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight }; } class SomeClass { .... .... .... void SomeMethod( const TextPosition::Enum& pos ) { switch( pos ) { case TextPosition::Center: // ...... break; case TextPosition::TopLeft: // ...... break; .... .... .... } }
  10. Maybe this project IS game development research
  11. Is this the forum you are talking about?
  12. I am also very satisfied with the result.
  13. The Poll results image needs better resolution. Can't read it even if downloaded.
  14. Best thing is to never have secrets, then you will never have to worry about keeping them
  15. Although we have seen some of them come and go without any success I voted Yes and Yes. Its a good effort. As Rick and Clackdor says the success of failure of such an effort depends on the leadership. Yes! A strong leadership is needed to get somewhere. I would almost say a dictatorship, but that would perhaps be a bit strong word. Anyway. It was Yes, Yes from here.
  16. Sometimes the solutions are simple. Yes of course. I forgot to make mat-files = Solved. I'm totally embarrassed Thanks
  17. Still beats me why my stairs has no shadow. Its made the same way as the other models in 3DWS. Everything except the stairs get shadows. Why .... I have attached the files if you wan't to check. Removed the trees and water, but else its the same as in the image.
  18. Roland

    c++ no console

    Absolutely no problems, this is exactly what I told in my answer. The rest is more or less the old 'g++ is better', which is quite unneeded as answer to person asking about what to do in Visual Studio. Not really a 'thread rape' but ... Anyway again. This is the way to do it.
  19. Hi all First of all. Sorry about the double post. I edited the title and added some content. Then it became a new post when I clicked Save Changes. Not what I expected. I made a simple model (a block with some stairs) in 3DWS and exported to GMF. Now I can see a problem with shadows for my character. The problems is the same both when I'm in the Editor or in my Game. My English isn't good enough to describe the problem but some screen-shoot's will make it obvious. In Editor In Game Is this something I have to accept and live with or am I doing anything wrong. I have turned dynamic shows on.
  20. Roland

    c++ no console

    Yes. That's more relevant for Visual Studio and will work also if you find it more easy the WinMain function.
  21. Roland

    c++ no console

    You are not answering the question . As you see he's using Visual c++ 2008. There is no g++ there.
  22. Roland

    c++ no console

    1. In Linker/System/SubSystem change Console to Windows 2. In your code change int main( int argn, char* argv[] ) to int CALLBACK WinMain( __in HINSTANCE hInstance, __in HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, __in LPSTR lpCmdLine, __in int nCmdShow )
  23. Really nice. Thanks.
  24. Shadmar... you are my idol now Sounds great and take your time. Jesus man.. this last dark sea image blows my socks off
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