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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Will this be shared or available for buy?
  2. Wow. This is getting really exiting.
  3. Sandbox is the old version of the Editor.
  4. I'm definitively no artist and couldn't had done half as good, but here is my notes.
  5. That's true. But not to expensive either. $99 USD
  6. Have tested now. It becomes almost to real. Needs some smoothing and it works just nice.
  7. Thanks. Good to hear that I'm on the right track.
  8. When using a Third Person view, how do you guys approach the problem of moving the character at the correct speed that syncs with the feet's. I was thinking of make some kind of measuring of the distance between the feet's and then calculate the movement speed from that. If that works it would solve the move speed for run also. Or is this the wrong way to approach this problem? Any better idea.
  9. Roland


    Not that you probably care but I couldn't agree more with what Josh is saying. In my opinion he's absolutely right. At my work we also try to minimize the amount of third party code and that has been a winner. There are often occasions when you have to pick up code from 3-4 years ago and make changes or additions. In those situations there has always been trouble with third party code, Yes! even with Boost. Boost contains many exiting features but nothing that can't be done using standard C++ and standard STL with some extra work yes.. but then you have the control of the code. Many of you will probably not agree, but that's what I have found out during my 30 years of programming. Don't use to fancy stuff, keep it simple and easy to understand and finally make it easy to correct your own mistakes without searching for others.
  10. Roland


    Right! As in the Pink Floyd song... "We don't need no Visual Scripts, We don't need no Script control"
  11. Roland


    Was that question for me or for Josh, Rick. If it was for me I was talking generally, not about the editor in specific.
  12. To make it full screen you can do this Graphics(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN),GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN));
  13. Roland


    Here is some loose ideas In general some kind of OnEvent system callback. I don't know if you have some kind of base class in LE3 like the TEntity in LE2 but lets assume that. void OnEvent( TEntity& source, const EventData& data ); where Event is a enumeration of various supported events namespace Event { enum Type { Collision, Create, Destroy, Update, ... ... }; } and EventData is a base structure for any data that may belong to the event struct EventData {}; This structure would then have various implementations depending on the event type. Like this ficitional event struct CreateEventData : public EventData { TVec3 CreatePostion ; TVec3 CreateRotation; }; The user registers callbacks of interest void myCreateCallback( TEntity& source, const EventData& data ) { // we know that this is a Create Event with CreateEventData const CreateEventData& eventData = static_cast<const CreateEventData&>(data); // use eventData and source. // source was created at eventData.CreatePosition etc..... } LE3::register( Event::Create, myCreateCallback ); // LE3 will call myCreateCallback each time a TEntity is created ... ... later on LE3::unregister( myCreateCallback); // we dont bother anymore
  14. Isn't it Framework these days ? Not Framewerk.
  15. Roland

    Totally Tubular

    This looks really great. This week I have just rediscovered the beauty using 3DWS. Its actually very fast and nice. And now with those new features it will be really great.
  16. Making a skybox using Terragen
  17. Well said Pixel Perfect. Couldn't agree more.
  18. Roland

    Snow Day

    Looks like home to me
  19. It was a long time since I used 3D World Studio. I re-installed on my Windows 7 64bit and found that its not running at all. Absolutely nothing happens when I try to run it. Have tested with compability mode for XP SP2, XP SP3 and Run as Administrator. Nothing helps. I have version 3.53. Anyone having the same problem or is there a newer version available?
  20. Aggrors masterpiece is the absolutely best documentation that exists for this engine. It should be on the frontpage with big shiny letters
  21. You will find the converters in the directory Tools Here is some text from the Leadwerks 2.3 User Guide
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