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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Maybe this http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaToCee
  2. The issue with the light was solved here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/4644-solved-setshadowmapsize-crashes-on-a-light-loaded-from-a-scene-file/page__pid__40705#entry40705 and of course it was my own fault Thanks anyway.
  3. Roland

    Project Manager

    Just a reminder. You must generate unique project GUID's in the project file.
  4. Ok Metadron. No problem. Thank's for the info. I will make my own scene-loader then.
  5. Aha... thank's Metatron I changed the values and I can see that it has a positive effect. By the way. I tried the SetShadowmapSize on a light loaded from the scene file (.sbx) and i crashes. Is there any problem with that command in latest version or is not possible to change that for a SBX light Example that crashes. TLight light = FindChild( myScene, "myLight" ); if( light ) SetShadowmapSize(light, 512); Example that works. TLight light = CreateDirectionalLight(); if ( light ) SetShadowmapSize(light, 512);
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_DXQbMTqjM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_DXQbMTqjM While working on some character controller code I noticed a white ring on the floor near the player. Any idea what that could be? It may be hard to see on this video but it you look carefully on the floor beneath the player you can see it. It seems to be a ring which surronds the camera maybe ...
  7. #include <list> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { list<int> myList; myList.push_back( 10 ); myList.push_back( 11 ); for( list<int>::iterator it = myList.begin(); it != myList.end(); it++ ) { cout << *it << endl; } }
  8. Thank's for the info Naughty Alien
  9. Yeah! I would also like some elaboration on that. What's the problem with parenting.
  10. Its a free open source IDE which essential does the same thing as Visual Studio, but uses the GNU C++ compiler and libs instead. The LeBuilder can create project for CodeBlocks if you import the CodeBlock template from HERE. CodeBlocks can be downloaded from http://www.codeblocks.org/
  11. Thank's Aggror. Good tutorial by you, as always.
  12. I have seen some posts about the lack of LUA support for syntax coloring in Visual Studio. Nothing could be less true. Of course there is LUA syntax coloring in Visual Studio. Here is how to. In VS open the extension manager and search for LUA, choose 'Lua Language' and install. There you are Edit: No Lua Intellisense though.
  13. Roland

    Design Confusion

    Maybe because you didn't have it And this is not the same thing. In 3DWS you had no scripts to debug, right-
  14. Roland

    Design Confusion

    Regarding the debug thing. Maybe a simple UDP socket on localhost would solve the problem of sending info from the program to the editor. Just a suggestion.
  15. I also like the edges. Looks very relaistic to me.
  16. Think this feature will really be a hit.
  17. There are some differences for optimizing in the linker also
  18. Impressive. You really got the boids flowing. Are you using Craig Reynolds papers from 1987? I started with that one, but like with many other things I didn't finnish it. Congratulations, really great for birds.
  19. Thanks for that clarification Josh.
  20. Now things seems to work. Animation speed taking FPS into account and also can be tweak (as suggested above). Blending in and out works. Great tips guys. Thanks void Animation::Animate( Float appTime, const Animation::Blending& blending) switch( blending ) { // no blending case None: _blend = 1; break; // blend in case In: _blend += _fadeIn*AppSpeed(); _blend = std::min<Float>(_blend,1); break; // blend out case Out: _blend -= _fadeOut*AppSpeed(); _blend = std::max<Float>(_blend,0); break; } Update(appTime); } void Animation::Update( Float appTime ) { // time to update frame counter? if( appTime > _lastTime ) { _lastTime = appTime; // increment taking FPS rate into account _frame += AppSpeed() * _speed ; // correction for under- and overflows _frame = std::max<Float>(0,_frame); _frame = std::min<Float>(_frame,static_cast<Float>(_frames)); // restart? if( _frame == _frames ) _frame = 0; } // don't bother about animations with blend values of 0 if( _blend > 0 ) _model.Animate( _frame, _blend, _seq ); }
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