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Everything posted by Roland

  1. That's really a coincidence, haven't though of that until you mentioned it. Rimfrost Software is a registered two man company and as we live in the north of Sweden, it comes from the fact that most of the year we have than thin ice-crystal layer on everything, that' called 'rimfrost' in Swedish. Think that is "rime" in English. Had no though of the initials, but its a nice coincidence. Sometimes this works out like that without anyone planning it. I work at a company called Microbit. The two major owner first names are Micke and Robert and we are developing IT solutions. Without anyone planning it the name Microbit also could be read MICke RObert IT. Now that's also a really surprising coincidence as it was never though of when the name was decided.
  2. I fully trust in what Lazlo has to say about a good C# approach, so be it. Thumbs up
  3. If we are talking about C#, that's how LE.NET is done.
  4. Roland

    Collision Decisions

    Just of curiosity. Is there any special reason why you doesn't use enumerations like this enum CollisionType { COLLISON_NONE, COLLISION_SCENE, COLLISION_CHARACTER, COLLISION_PROP, COLLISION_DEBRIS }; void PhysicsDriver::SetCollisionResponse(const CollisionType& collisiontype0, const CollisionType& collisiontype1, const int& response) { if ( collisiontype0 == COLLISION_SCENE ) .... .... .... }
  5. Have you tested this? Model m; m.Load("abstract::mymodel.gmf"); ... ... ... m.Free()
  6. The difference between DDS and the other formats (PNG, TGA, etc) is that DDS is a TEXTURE file, where the others for IMAGE files. This means DDS files can contain information that normal images won't support: mip maps, cube maps, volume textures. Most image files only really support RGB or RGBA data. DDS files also support a larger variety of formats: DXT, RGB565, RGBA4444, etc. Because they can store mip maps they can often be loaded faster, since map maps don't need to be generated.
  7. As you correctly states the engine does only read DDS. However a conversion utility called MakeDDS comes with the installation. This one can convert your PNG and JPG to DDS very quick and easy.
  8. class cPlayer { public: cPlayer() : movespeed(12) {} private: const float movespeed ; };
  9. Looking great Pixel. All built with LE2 ? C++ and Lua?
  10. Roland


    I can't repeat your problem. I can see that your module name seems weird. @(wayne) will give problems. Here is my output when using LEBuilder and VB.NET. Project name was set to 'vbtest' Imports LeadwerksEngine Module vbtest Sub UpdateCallback(ent As TEntity) LE.TurnEntity(ent, New TVec3(LE.AppSpeed() * 0.5F)) End Sub Sub ErrOut(ByVal message As String) Console.WriteLine(message) End Sub Sub Main() Dim ScreenWidth As Integer = 800 Dim ScreenHeight As Integer = 800 Dim MediaDir As String = "C:/GameDevel" Dim AppTitle As String = "vbtest" ' Initialize' LE.Initialize() LE.SetAppTitle(AppTitle) LE.RegisterAbstractPath(MediaDir) ' Set graphics mode' If LE.Graphics(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight) = 0 Then ErrOut("Failed to set graphics mode.") Return End If ' Create framework object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it' Dim fw As LeadwerksEngine.TFramework = LE.CreateFramework() If fw.IsValid = False Then ErrOut("Failed to initialize engine.") Return End If ' Set Lua framework object ' LE.SetGlobalObject("fw", fw.Handle) ' Set Lua framework variable Dim lua As Object = LE.GetLuaState() LE.lua_pushobject(lua, fw.Handle) LE.lua_setglobal(lua, "fw") LE.lua_pop(lua, 1) ' Get framework main camera ' Dim camera As LeadwerksEngine.TCamera = LE.GetLayerCamera(LE.GetFrameworkLayer(0)) LE.PositionEntity(camera, New LeadwerksEngine.TVec3(0, 0, -2)) ' Create cube Dim material As LeadwerksEngine.TMaterial = LE.LoadMaterial( "abstract::cobblestones.mat" ) Dim mesh As LeadwerksEngine.TMesh = LE.CreateCube() LE.PaintEntity(mesh, material) ' Apply Callback' Dim cb As LE.EntityUpdateWorldCallback = New LE.EntityUpdateWorldCallback(AddressOf UpdateCallback) LE.SetEntityCallback(mesh.Entity, cb) ' Create ground' Dim ground As LeadwerksEngine.TMesh = LE.CreateCube() LE.ScaleEntity(ground, New TVec3(10, 1, 10)) LE.PositionEntity(ground, New TVec3(0, -2, 0)) LE.PaintEntity(ground, material) ' Add some light' Dim light As TLight = LE.CreateDirectionalLight() LE.RotateEntity(light, New TVec3(45, 45, 45)) ' Spin cube until user hits Escape' While (LE.KeyHit() = False And LE.AppTerminate() = False) If LE.AppSuspended() = False Then LE.UpdateFramework() LE.RenderFramework() LE.DrawText("Visual Basic LE.NET", 0, 20) LE.Flip(0) End If End While LE.Terminate() End Sub End Module
  11. C++ with Lua example
  12. Regarding generation of height maps, could it be something like I'm doing in this video http://vimeo.com/26964731
  13. What can I say ..... big applause :D
  14. Making a skybox using Terragen
  15. Roland

    FXAA 3.11

    Very nice contribution. Made my Cell's test scene's look much better. This should be in the SDK And thanks 'franck22000' for sharing this
  16. Roland

    C++ errors

    Hi PcWizKid I can see that you are new to C++ programming. Nothing bad about that, you are welcome Everyone has to start somewhere. Here is my recommendation to you. Use the LEBuilder to create a C++ project for you. This way you will be sure that everything is correctly setup regarding Visual Studio files and paths. Study the created 'rotating cube' sample so you understand whats going on. If there are things that you doesn't understand in that sample don't shy to ask in the forum. We will help When you understand the sample you can wipe out the sample code and replace it with your own, or change the sample code at your desires. Good luck Roland
  17. Thanks Josh for that recommendation. I will soon be into character animation and IK for my game.
  18. You have to turn on Collision for the model in the Editor. Mark the model in the tree and open the script. Add following lines and save require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) Then if you double click on an instance of the model you will be able to set Collision type.
  19. The sample generated when using LEBuilder should give you a hint. As Metatron says, its just a matter of adding LE. in front of the commands. Here is the sample generated by LEBuilder. Imports LeadwerksEngine Module test Sub UpdateCallback(ent As TEntity) LE.TurnEntity(ent, New TVec3(LE.AppSpeed() * 0.5F)) End Sub Sub ErrOut(ByVal message As String) Console.WriteLine(message) End Sub Sub Main() Dim ScreenWidth As Integer = 800 Dim ScreenHeight As Integer = 800 Dim MediaDir As String = "C:/GameDevel" Dim AppTitle As String = "test" ' Initialize LE.Initialize() LE.SetAppTitle(AppTitle) LE.RegisterAbstractPath(MediaDir) ' Set graphics mode If LE.Graphics(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight) = 0 Then ErrOut("Failed to set graphics mode.") Return End If ' Create framework object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it Dim fw As LeadwerksEngine.TFramework = LE.CreateFramework() If fw.IsValid = False Then ErrOut("Failed to initialize engine.") Return End If ' Set Lua framework object LE.SetGlobalObject("fw", fw.Handle) ' Set Lua framework variable Dim lua As Object = LE.GetLuaState() LE.lua_pushobject(lua, fw.Handle) LE.lua_setglobal(lua, "fw") LE.lua_pop(lua, 1) ' Get framework main camera Dim camera As LeadwerksEngine.TCamera = LE.GetLayerCamera(LE.GetFrameworkLayer(0)) LE.PositionEntity(camera, New LeadwerksEngine.TVec3(0, 0, -2)) ' Create cube Dim material As LeadwerksEngine.TMaterial = LE.LoadMaterial( "abstract::cobblestones.mat" ) Dim mesh As LeadwerksEngine.TMesh = LE.CreateCube() LE.PaintEntity(mesh, material) ' Apply Callback Dim cb As LE.EntityUpdateWorldCallback = New LE.EntityUpdateWorldCallback(AddressOf UpdateCallback) LE.SetEntityCallback(mesh.Entity, cb) ' Create ground Dim ground As LeadwerksEngine.TMesh = LE.CreateCube() LE.ScaleEntity(ground, New TVec3(10, 1, 10)) LE.PositionEntity(ground, New TVec3(0, -2, 0)) LE.PaintEntity(ground, material) ' Add some light Dim light As TLight = LE.CreateDirectionalLight() LE.RotateEntity(light, New TVec3(45, 45, 45)) ' Spin cube until user hits Escape While (LE.KeyHit() = False And LE.AppTerminate() = False) If LE.AppSuspended() = False Then LE.UpdateFramework() LE.RenderFramework() LE.DrawText("Visual Basic LE.NET", 0, 20) LE.Flip(0) End If End While LE.Terminate() End Sub End Module Hmm.. there seems to be a syntax color error in the tag in this board for VB code. Parts of the code get colored green as comments while they are not.
  20. Roland

    new gui stuff =)

    Looks great to me AnniXa. The idea with a simple image based GUI is quite good. I did that in some demo some years ago. The whole GUI was not one image though. In my case each button was an own image, but essential it was done in the same style and it work very good. Having a full fledged GUI with buttons, dragbars, checkboxes and good knows what can be overkill for most games, where its just a matter of give the user some simple information and the ability to select och click on some choices. Keep up the good work
  21. Roland

    New Stuff

    Nice work Metatron
  22. Great. This is exiting news
  23. Roland


    Have just started making apps for Android and this is exiting news
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