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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Looking good and the idea of comprehensive examples sounds good to me.
  2. Yes. Leo is finnished since long time ago. The goal with LEO is to be a thin class wrapper around the C-api. No more and no less. Same thing goes for LE.Net
  3. Great post Metatron. You actually came up with something useful instead of a bunch of words like me :-)
  4. Yes. Thats true. Josh wont be able to help unless he get a running example. Perhap you should add some instructions on how to use your files. I work giving software support each day andknow that problem. Without files its impossible to give any support and the time for guessing is not there.
  5. Hey Vetal. Here is one that likes your idea, so thumbs up for you. Searching forums are really not efficient and absolutely no joy. This answer is of course true, but I think its a bit blunt reply. And all others. Here is someone that actually is trying to compensate the lack of good advice's in one place and not spread around hundreds of threads, and you sound that he is making something wrong. Can't understand that at all. Just my humble opinion, right or wrong.
  6. Maybe Camera::GetPick is what you are looking for (leoCamera.h)
  7. As promised, here is a preview of the portal light. Many thanks to macklebee for help with the Lua script I will add some tweaks but this is the main idea.
  8. C4D has time... it has animation. Thats why its called C4D and not C3D I think
  9. Le4Dwerks ,,, then I have to switch modeler to C4D
  10. Thank's a lot for your help last night. Really kind of you. Explanation for you others: Macklebee took some time to help me with the lights last night. Really nice I will post the result here when it's ready
  11. Yes. Thanks mackleebe. Should have clarified that.
  12. Yes, it is a community effort so you are most welcome as long as its about Leadweks :-)
  13. Thank's I will experiment with that and see what happens
  14. Hi. I have a light where i need the light-source to be something like in this image, which is the model I made in Modo. In Modo its a combination of several procedural textures. The light source does not have to look exactly like in the image, but a least something it that style. Any idea on how to make such a material an d which shader to use.
  15. OK. You may be right there. I'm no expert, just did what others would have done and typed "game engine" in google and came up with game engines without the "engine" or "game" in their name.
  16. If you do a search for "game engine" on google you will get a bunch of game engines without the words 'engine' or 'game' in them. It depends on what you write on the product front page and which tags you use, so I don't think that is of any real importance.
  17. Exactly my opinion also. Just "Leadwerks" would work just fine. Can't see any problem with that. A new user or a presumptive buyer will know that it is a game engine whatever the name is. I mean.. they won't buy by just seeing the 3D in the name anyway. Don't make this more complicated than it is. Leadwerks is cool enough, easy to say, easy to write and easy to remember.
  18. I'm not trying to argue for or against anything. Josh is the creator and knows why.
  19. Hmmm... seems that just Leadwerks is a name to concider. No problems with versions, no problems with what it sounds like.
  20. Send a mail to support at leadwerks dot com and perhaps Josh may arrange something for you
  21. Can't give any information on that, but maybe its because some internals must be closed before main goes out of scope. Josh is the one who knows
  22. I tend to agree with you here Metadron
  23. I agree with Metatron here. Leadwerks3D is just fine, works for many other companies so why not with Leadwerks.
  24. Yes, as Metatron stated you should use LEBuilder which has replaced ProjectWizard. It's a pure mistake that ProjectWizard.exe is still present in the SDK.
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