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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Nice that its great for you. In fact its great for me to. So then we are at least two Just joking ... Yes some more LEBuilder samples is great to have, it can handle as many as needed even if its hundreds of them
  2. Great idea. I don't really know what Thingoid's are, but I assume they are customer designed controls. Rick had a good video showing his work with that. I guess the LEBuilder could install "Thingoids" also or if needed be updated to do that.
  3. I'm working on setting up a LeBuilder Customer Templates package containing such things as you describe.
  4. It can be templated. Trust me Almost any values can be set as Template parameters
  5. Hi Cor and welcome. Hope you will enjoy and get cool things done here
  6. I really must say I love those boxes. What will they do next
  7. Great. I will see what can be done about that.
  8. Aha! I understand. Well. If code for them are shared I can make templates. No problemas
  9. One that I know and will add is CodeBlocks. Any other ?
  10. Hard to say what your error is without having the SBX file you are using. Here is the code I showed including the Visual Studio project. Its working fine here. I assume you are using latest SDK 2.45 Unrar the rar file in your SDK directory. It will created a folder Examples. Open the Examples\LoadAScene\LoadAScene.sln in Visual Studio and see that tunnels.sbx is loaded OK. Then change to you scene file and see what happens.
  11. // ==================================================================== // This file was generated by LEBuilder // http://leadwerks.com/werkspace // ==================================================================== using System; using LeadwerksEngine; using System.Globalization; namespace LoadAScene { class LoadAScene { private const int ScreenWidth = 800; private const int ScreenHeight = 600; private const string MediaDir = "D:/GameDevel"; private const string AppTitle = "LoadAScene"; /// <summary> /// Convert string to a TVec3. /// Values should be separated by SPACE, TAB or , /// </summary> /// <param name="s">Sting to be converted</param> /// <returns>Resulting TVec3</returns> static TVec3 StringToVec3(string s) { char[] delimiterChars = { ',', ' ', '\t' }; string[] values = s.Split(delimiterChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); IFormatProvider provider = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"); NumberStyles style = NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowThousands | NumberStyles.Float; return new TVec3( float.Parse(values[0],style,provider), float.Parse(values[1],style, provider), float.Parse(values[2],style, provider)); } static void UpdateCallback(TEntity ent) { LE.TurnEntity(ent, new TVec3(LE.AppSpeed() * 0.5f)); } static void ErrOut( string message ) { Console.WriteLine( message ); } static void Main(string[] args) { try { // Initialize LE.Initialize(); LE.SetAppTitle(AppTitle); LE.RegisterAbstractPath(MediaDir); // Set graphics mode if( LE.Graphics(ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight) == 0 ) { ErrOut( "Failed to set graphics mode." ); return; } // Create framework object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it TFramework fw = LE.CreateFramework(); if( !fw.IsValid ) { ErrOut( "Failed to initialize engine." ); return; } // Set Lua framework object LE.SetGlobalObject( "fw", fw.Handle ); // Set Lua framework variable IntPtr lua = LE.GetLuaState(); LE.lua_pushobject( lua, fw.Handle ); LE.lua_setglobal( lua, "fw" ); LE.lua_pop( lua, 1 ); // Load Scene TEntity scene = LE.LoadScene("abstract::tunnels.sbx"); TVec3 campos = StringToVec3(LE.GetEntityKey(scene, "cameraposition")); TVec3 camrot = StringToVec3(LE.GetEntityKey(scene, "camerarotation")); // Position camera as in scene file TCamera camera = LE.GetLayerCamera( LE.GetFrameworkLayer(0) ); LE.PositionEntity( camera, campos ); LE.RotateEntity(camera, camrot); // Until user hits Escape while( !LE.KeyHit() && !LE.AppTerminate() ) { if( !LE.AppSuspended() ) { LE.UpdateFramework(); LE.RenderFramework(); LE.Flip( 0 ); } } } // Catch Exceptions catch( Exception e ) { Console.WriteLine( e.Message ) ; } // Terminate finally { LE.Terminate(); } } } }
  12. Yes. That video is showing off quite nice. This is quite interesting. Could be refined and used as a walker for characters. Do they follow the terrain if there is a hill also ?
  13. Great work there. Would be nice to see a short video of them walking
  14. Very nice fellow. Very glad to see a game character that looks kind of ordinary. I'm sooooooooo tired of all those big soldier guys
  15. Thanks. Glad it helped you
  16. About CodeBlocks. When you have downloaded the zip file you have to import it into LEBuilder using Import
  17. C# template is included in the SDK Template for CodeBlocks can be downloaded here Codeblocks Template for Leadwerks Builder
  18. Be sure to update to latest 2.45. Leadwerks Builder is now a part of the SDK download. The file name is LEBuilder.exe and is in same directory as the other programs Editor.exe, MaterialEditor.exe etc....
  19. I will test and see what comes out of it.
  20. Yes. The difference is that LE2 i coded in BlitzMax. LE3 is coded in C++. The engine.dll will be usable by BlitzMax, C# and other languages that can import DLL's.
  21. In my case that's an extremely good idea. I can bake the shadows into the textures in Modo. Thank's for that tip DaDonik
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