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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Will follow thins with great interest as the scene I'm working on will need many point-lights.
  2. LE.NET is a very thin wrapper which gives you access to the C++ commands in C#. Nothing more and nothing less. Its a part of the SDK and is updated when the SDK is, so for that one you don't need any download links. Its also supported by the Leadwerks Builder which also is a part of the SDK. Leadwerks .NET is more extensive project, not available in the SDK but I think Lazlo can give you more information on that one.
  3. I have no idea about BlitzMax performance, but as I understand it LE3 will be completely C++ which may or may not give a hint on where things are going. Just my personal guessing though without actually having any facts. I also have to defend Metadron here a little although I'm not always agree with everything. The subject of this discussion is in fact "Language Performance" so I can't see anything wrong with him argument for his believes. However I guess the thread starter are asking about officially supported languages and then the answer is simple. C++ is the fastest. However those differences are often not the bottleneck. I think in the its all about making good meshes, think a bit on materials etc... There are many BlitzMax users here so perhaps they could give some idea of the BM performance.
  4. Would be nice to hear about the long stick and C# Later: Actually when thinking of it I don't
  5. Great post TheoLogic. I assume that you may be right about C++ for final games as I really don't know. Have never been so lucky that I reached that stage, so I can't argue with you there
  6. Would be nice if you added a screenshot of the shader in action Great work
  7. Thank's for this great shader DaDonik. Really nice of you to share.
  8. There is no simple answer to that question. My approach is to not be stubborn about using one language only. I use them all as needed. C# Most code. Its a very nice language to work with and you will be well prepared for other platforms. The C# will probably be enough for most situations C++ Things that need to be very fast or things that is better suited for some things than C# are. In fact there has not been to much of such situations, but there is some speed to gain with clever coding here. I then compile the code into a DLL and use it as a component in C# LUA A great scripting language, very fast compared to many others. This is a must when working with objects in the Editor. Great for making specialized code of object that you need to tamper with in the editor. Of course this is just my personal approach and others may find other ways to go. It all depends on the individual and what the needs are.
  9. Roland


    Wow Rick. That's really cool. And you have a really nice "video-voice" to
  10. I also like that comic realism. Very nice
  11. Kind of, She's a Robot these days
  12. 1. ZioRed has the source but I can't believe that it would be any problem 2. Told ZioRed to add them 3. I have them in <SDK>csharp/LE.NET. The source is actually not needed but are included so the users may make their own changes if the need to do so. As long as LE.NET.DLL is in the <SDK> directory all is fine.
  13. @ Naughty Alien I can see what you mean. But what should then those poor people (like me) do when they can't write their own shader's and have no access to 3DS Max, that's a quite expensive piece of software. I totally understand your point of view though and that is the best way to go for you and many others. On the other hand I believe that would end up in Leadwerks slowly fade away. The majority of customers are not skilled programmers or shader constructors and they need visual tools and as Pixel says, Josh will probably find the balance between those two words. With that said, here is what I personally would be fully satisfied with in a updated Editor/Engine. - Groups in Editor - Top/Front/Left/Right/Bottom orthogonal views - Snap to geometry - Visual scaling of models - A simple way to enter position, scale and rotation numerical - Automatically updated materials, textures and models when they are changed on disk - All common texture formats should be accepted. Any conversion to some internal format should be done automatically There may be some details I have forgotten in this list, but those are my main concerns. So essential where are perhaps saying the same thing
  14. It might be as simple as that you have to run 3DWS as Administrator.
  15. Drag and drop does not mean that things would not be accessible for the programmer. So both things could perfectly live together. I'm a programmer but I can't see any drawbacks by having drag & drop as that means that I don't have to spend the programming time in trivial tasks as loading meshes, materials etc etc. I can concentrate on things that really needs to be programmed. But hey... that's only my humble opinion
  16. Name it tio smae name as the diffuse (color) texture used in the gmf file but with the extension .mat
  17. Here is another way to do it enum Collisions { TerrainColl =1, PlayerColl, CarColl, ... ... ... }; Collision( TerrainColl, PlayerColl );
  18. I made a tutorial where I make everything from scratch to having a simple scene in the Editor Maybe you could get some help from that one. Backyard
  19. Great! That was the idea when I and ZioRed made it
  20. NetBeans... been a very long time since I tested that. Will have a look at it. Thank's for that tip Laurens
  21. Nice article. State Machines are very effective but seldom used (at least of what I have seen). Nice approach.
  22. I tested your code with LE.NET and the tunnels.sbx scene and it loaded and showed the scene. One thing is that you may need to copy the Scripts (and its sub folders) to your bin\release or bin\debug directory Another issue can be that your camera is placed or rotated so the scene isn't visible
  23. YouGroove. Let me give you a suggestion. Use the Leadwerks Builder to take care of your troubles. Leadwerks Builder
  24. Wow Marleys Ghost. Thats is just awesome. Congratulations to that achivement... Your 3rd Person camera is just outstanding good. Any plans to share ;)
  25. Hi and thanks for this contribution. Really nice idea to add extensions without have to change the main C# headers. Works fine here, except the AwesomiumSample which craches. The log file does not give any hints. [4732:5716:7269896:INFO:user_script_slave.cc(242)] Injected 0 scripts and 0css files into http://www.leadwerks.com/ [4732:5716:7269896:INFO:user_script_slave.cc(242)] Injected 0 scripts and 0css files into http://www.leadwerks.com/ [4732:5716:7269896:INFO:user_script_slave.cc(242)] Injected 0 scripts and 0css files into http://www.leadwerks.com/ [4732:5716:7270348:INFO:render_view.cc(5084)] PLT: 505ms http://www.leadwerks.com/ [4732:5716:7270348:INFO:user_script_slave.cc(242)] Injected 0 scripts and 0css files into http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Products/le2 But that's no problem for me. Was just testing a beta Keep up the good work
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