@ Naughty Alien
I can see what you mean. But what should then those poor people (like me) do when they can't write their own shader's and have no access to 3DS Max, that's a quite expensive piece of software. I totally understand your point of view though and that is the best way to go for you and many others. On the other hand I believe that would end up in Leadwerks slowly fade away. The majority of customers are not skilled programmers or shader constructors and they need visual tools and as Pixel says, Josh will probably find the balance between those two words.
With that said, here is what I personally would be fully satisfied with in a updated Editor/Engine.
- Groups in Editor
- Top/Front/Left/Right/Bottom orthogonal views
- Snap to geometry
- Visual scaling of models
- A simple way to enter position, scale and rotation numerical
- Automatically updated materials, textures and models when they are changed on disk
- All common texture formats should be accepted. Any conversion to some internal format should be done automatically
There may be some details I have forgotten in this list, but those are my main concerns.
So essential where are perhaps saying the same thing