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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Awesome and thank's Aggror
  2. The Zip file is corrupt
  3. I use GIT although I'm alone. Perfect backup and great when I need to step back one bit and look what I did last time that caused some problem.
  4. Script.box = "" --entity Script.material = nil function Script:Start() self.material = Material:Create() self.material:SetColor(1,0,0) end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) self.box:SetMaterial(self.material) end
  5. Interesting thoughts. I can see you are moving towards LUA and that's a good move I think. I started off with just LUA but found that some things as SQL was better done in C++ at this moment. So now I have a bit of same approach with a base in C++ for data store and keeping track of items that needs storage, besides that most things are still LUA. Thanks for this interesting post
  6. Roland

    Slogging On

    Yes so true, been there, done that way to many times
  7. I woulf strongly recommend you to learn LUA scripting. Start of easy, check the tutorials and go in small steps. You won't regret the time spent.
  8. Hard to tell what the problem is without having the project, could be more ore less anything.
  9. To use C++ you should open Projects\Windows\<your projectname>.sln in Visual Studio and compile. If you don't want Main.Lua to be executed you can go for a more clean approach and replace main.cpp with something like this #include "Leadwerks.h" #include <sstream> using namespace Leadwerks; int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { // Initialize Steamworks (optional) // Steamworks::Initialize(); // Create the app window Window* window = Window::Create("My Game", 0, 0, 1024, 768, Window::Titlebar); // and some context to draw on Context* context = Context::Create(window, 0); if (context == nullptr) { return 1; } // The world containg all objects World* world = World::Create(); // Load a map into the world if (!Map::Load( "Maps/start.map" ) { return 2; } // Loop until window is closed or user presses ESCAPE bool showstats = false; while (!window->KeyDown(Key::Escape) && !window->Closed()) { Time::Update(); world->Update(); world->Render(); context->SetBlendMode(Blend::Alpha); showstats = window->KeyHit(Key::F11) ? !showstats : showstats; if (showstats) { ostringstream fps; fps << "FPS: " << Math::Round(Time::UPS()); context->SetColor(1, 0, 0, 1); context->DrawText("Debug Mode", 2, 2); context->SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1); context->DrawText(fps.str(), 2, 2); context->DrawStats(2, 22); context->SetBlendMode(Blend::Solid); } context->Sync(true); } return 0; }
  10. what does the Leadwerks log say. You will find it in "Your documents folder\Leadwerks\Leadwerks.log"
  11. Sorry but I just have to say this is so funny
  12. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/110/entry-1058-third-person-camera-code-walk-through/
  13. "preloadWorld:Hide()" ... another of those undocumented things? Can't find that one
  14. Couldn't say it better than Aggror, except even more patience, trial and error of course There are no shortcuts
  15. Most impressing *thumbs up*
  16. Have you set a collision shape for the model? Model Editor/Physic
  17. Roland

    c++ no console

    That was a nice one. I always have replaced the main with WinMain, changed the subsystem and fixed the argv stuff. This is far better. Great
  18. Yeah. Here is a high five for the Flow Graph Josh
  19. Thanks a lot Josh for the explanation
  20. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/object/objectrelease-r21 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/object/reference-counting-r613
  21. I'll take your advice guys and go with the premade icons. Diving into this will probably get me into a long and winding sidetrack. Thanks
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