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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Hi again. First I really want to thank all of you for the suggestions. After have read the posts it seems to me that Blender is the way to go. I have no problem with the Blender interface, its just another program. While looking at Blender's animation I came across the MHX format that Makehuman (a free program that creates humans) produces. There is a plugin for blender that accepts MakeHuman models including BHV motions directly. Havent tested that yet, but if it works that would really be something. Blender MakeHuman MXH export/import for Blender Thanks for the video 'Niosop'.
  2. Hi I need some advice for getting some skinning/animation software. I'm using Modo and it works great for creating Leadwerks content. BUT! (there is always a but ), Modo has no skinning/IK animation support, so I need to make those things in some other application. Modo both reads and writes Collada and FBX files (and OBJ of course) and I guess that will be OK for most other applications. I can not afford and high price software so it has to be something at max 300$. I'm not interested in suggestions on replacing Modo by 3DSMax, Maya etc of same reason ( the price ). So If anyone have a suggestion on something that would work nicely with Leadwerks ( Collada or FBX import/export ) I would appreciate it.
  3. Hi all great Leadwerks programmers. As you know or may not know, I'm making an update to the ProjectWizard (see my blog). Here is the new look of the ProjectWizard. Now I need you help. What I want is you to suggest template code for the different cases that the ProjectWizard can generate. Current version of the ProjectWizard produces a project showing a rotating cube. Creating same game output for the different cases is a good idea I think. However there is no law telling that the produced project must produce a rotating cube, so thats up to you think about. Here the different cases that needs code (including sample project) LUA loaded by Engine.exe C++ using engine.h only C++ LEO using Framework (internal Framewerk) C++ LEO using Framewerk (Framewerk files) C++ Gamelib There is no C# here, but It can be added if anyone produces code and a sample project for it I wish us good luck with this. Roland
  4. I applause the use of XML for it;
  5. Very nice UML work. A bit more detailed also.
  6. Laruens I'm using WizFlow
  7. This the latest update. Hope this gives a valid overview of the Leadwerks Engine system
  8. Great. More diagram work to do. Thanks
  9. Laurens Thanks for that clarification. It helped. Here is the diagram updated a bit
  10. Paul Seems right. I will update my diagram. Thanks Laurens I do have problems with Framewerk and Framework. According to Lumooja Framewerk is still needed for those who needs customization. See my blog here ProjectWizard update This thing with both a Framewerk and a Framework which seems to overlap is really confusing. And of course you are correct about that C# does not use engine.h. Thanks
  11. Hi I'm trying to catch up a little on latest additions and news as I have been away from Leadwerks for a couple of months. When doing that I created a diagram of the diffrent parts. I dont know if I got it all right so I guess many eyes are better that my two. Here is a schematic on my understanding of the Leadwerks system. Please tell if I forgot something or there are errors.
  12. Roland

    Source Code

    And some of us lives in a country with 8 hours time difference so we are sleeping when you are not
  13. Good idea and added to the list of TODO's
  14. Hi all programmers. I will do a ProjectWizard update/revision during Jan or Feb. So if anyone have any comments or reqeusts on this, make them here. Planned so far is - New ProjectWizard GUI using Crossplatform FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) instead of Microsoft MFC. - Templates using Framework. - Templates for using LUA
  15. C++ WriteProfileString GetProfileString
  16. Mayby your are 'cheating' by having this line at top.. #pragma warning(disable:4244) or maybe some compiler setting
  17. Why this unusual thing. Including source files in source files. Personally I would prefer standard behaviour, thats do it as usual and include the source files in the project. First when compiling I was really confused. Why on earth do I get the error LNK2005: .... already defined in engine.obj But then I found those lines in gamelib.cpp. Problem solved by just comment them out #include "gamelib.h" //#include "engine.cpp" //#include "framewerk.cpp" //#include "renderer.cpp" //#include "layer.cpp"
  18. To get rid of this type of warnings cpp\renderer.cpp(457) : warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'double' to 'flt', possible loss of data following lines needs to be changed in Renderer.cpp Renderer.cpp 457 ScaleEntity( skybox, Vec3(farrange/2.0f) ); Renderer.cpp 798-800 SetShaderFloat(postfilter,"saturation",(flt)saturation); SetShaderFloat(postfilter,"brightness",(flt)brightness); SetShaderFloat(postfilter,"contrast",(flt)contrast); Renderer.cpp 1085 SetColor(Vec4(1,1,1,(flt)irisadjustmentspeed*AppSpeed()));
  19. PixelPerfect Yes I'm the everyday resync type of guy. Marleys Ghost Thanks for the tip. Seems to be same thing that Josh suggests Josh Tested with incresing from 100 to 1500 and the results are much better. Some strange things still appears. I will test around a little more, I know my terrain is a bit extreme but thats my idea. I could try make the cliff walls half the height to see if that will make things better I played around a little more with the light values and got acceptable results by not only increasing the range, but also increasing the Shadow Distance Y value. Those changes gave pretty good shadows but there was still a "shadow ring" around the camera sometimes. However I got rid of this by decreasing the Shadow Distance X value. So I think my problem is solved for now
  20. Hi I have some weird shadows in my very simple terrain (1024x1024) with one single directinal light. Check this video which shows the problem. Its appearing on all places in the terrain. Is there anything I can do about it?
  21. This one Animeeple is free and works nicely with TrueBones
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